Donald Trump has a long history with Penn, including serving on Wharton’s Board of Overseers.
Donald Trump has a long history with Penn, including serving on Wharton’s Board of Overseers.
Reading through reviews often gives you more insight into the issues of the reviewers than of the business or place being reviewed.
A kid 5 or 6 should know better than to knock over a display. I’m hoping this was a toddler.
About ten years ago, a couple of teenagers knocked over some headstones in the local cemetery in the town in which I was living. Thank goodness they didn’t break anything. The police and the parish made them fix the damage. Then, the parents made the teenagers stand outside of the church after every Mass that weekend…
Did he mention whether or not he thinks Keira has cooties?
AND he was organized enough to bring a pen out to the mound with him so he could the ball autographed!