as a Rangers fan this legit makes me sad was kinda hoping Darvish and Hamels could push them on a deep run
as a Rangers fan this legit makes me sad was kinda hoping Darvish and Hamels could push them on a deep run
yep just for being about the first cars with a small block they should be a little more unmeh but at the same time I don’t really need to see another one at a show there was a reason Falva drove one in American Graffiti
Yes, I remember a couple years ago the Power Tour came through Central Oklahoma so we gathered a few people up and found a spot on the route yes the Camaros, Stangs, and Bel Aires were cool but that little red Yugo brought the house down when it came driving by.
So much this and then drive the hell out of it until it was so overpowered you couldn’t make it handle until you dialed the power back
I have had several arguments with my kids but the MkIII is so much better looking than the MKIV
That first one though that is pure Jalop hats off to you sir
Bonneville maybe the last true race
them too
That poor whale though
Cannonball was on heavy rotation on HBO back in the day and I wathced all the time. Then somebody told me it was based on a real life race and to look into some of Brock Yates writing. To this day it still amazes me that it was a real thing and they actually got paid to make this movie since it looked like they were…
I think I would watch that group in a round robin who do we have to talk to get this set up?
Well the Aveo is a I4, the F150 is a 5.4 V8.
Ok I admit I was dubious about a hockey team in Vegas but man if they can keep this up they need to be in the playoffs every year.
Man I didn’t know it was in doubt I hope you get the go ahead
Man David you are knocking these out of the park it is getting to the point I like to save them until I need a pick me up to listen to them, keep them coming.
That would have been a good one to see as well
The same week ford killed all their cars and you wonder where the concepts went
What a great story I would have loved to see the looks on you dad’s friend’s faces when he blew them away.
Yep that dog’ll hunt