My family will go see it how bad could it be, ET crossed with brodozers what could go wrong.
My family will go see it how bad could it be, ET crossed with brodozers what could go wrong.
I am all about Big Sexy getting all the starts but it sucks to see all those other guys hurt.
I agree it sounds like a weird idea. How about the IOC allow this in Olympic basketball how good of a team could under 23 team USA be and how fun would that be.
Yes this would be the way to do it heck you could even bring Sean in fro Toykyo Drift to get some for Han.
It crossed my mind all of those times and then some but I think this situation has it in play. I will go see every movie they make in this franchise from now on but this could be too much.
I get why they did what they did in 7 but for the love of god not another appearance. I can see a shark fin and a ramp.
Ok as a kid I got flogged by a turkey and trust me a mean turkey would be on par with a cranky pit bull or a pissed off tiger.
Both of my kids attend a High School that has wait for it .......... Redskins as the mascot and you know what there are plenty of Native Americans around here that were up in arms when they were going to change the name. If they tried something similar there wouldn’t be a team on campus that wouldn’t have someone of…
How does that help me i just watched in the high and dry but seriously just go play in traffic will cost less to recover the body that way
I stumbled upon a few of his videos a couple of months ago and just can’t stop watching them. I have been using skookum and chooch at work and it is starting to catch on. Don’t his disdain for the Metrique system.
Feral hogs are a huge problem in Texas and it is getting that way in Oklahoma. In Texas they are fair game all year round as in there is no season and there is no limit.
I love Fieros and would like to have one but finding one that is in decent shape is getting harder by the minute.
Not from upstate PA but I came real close on a deal on a XJ12 that I know would have been crap but the price was right and it was a decent looking specimen. Can’t decide if I regret it or happy the deal fell through.
Before Miata was always the answer it was Fiero
Ok I thought as gearheads we had decided to never talk about this iteration of Knight Rider.
Yes they are I won’t even consider another F-Body if it doesn’t have T-Tops
Ok the internet at work is butt and the GIF wouldn’t load and I was afraid to click the link. Finally got home and clicked it I must say I was about to shut it off because I didn’t see anyway that dog was going to make it out in one piece.
This may not be the best Rangers team I have watched but they are the most fun. I doubt they will win the World Series this year but there isn’t another team having as much fun as those guys.
Let me tell you as someone that ships tons of stuff to the PO they are ass. If there is one little thing wrong with the load they refuse it. Their employees can’t do basic math. they don’t know what trailer the skids they unload come out of. They are entitled and don’t understand they are very endangered and should be…
That about sums them up.