Literally ANYONE who has ever rapped on Epic Rap Battles of History.
Literally ANYONE who has ever rapped on Epic Rap Battles of History.
Dude, I'm from Georgia. And I am telling you, everybody I ever knew is going to laugh their asses off at this ham-handed bullshit. This wouldn't get a Democrat so much as a discount on a barbecue sandwich.
First of all, the California Raisins were legit. Still waiting for the comeback tour.
They are pandering to an essence of America that the Democrats have failed to connect with. What's the problem with that if it puts another Democrat in the white house? People say they want to work together and "unite." But hipsters do not want to acknowledge that the fly over states do have actual living people…
There's a difference between capitalism and greed, capitalism and the kind of structure that requires Max Win Alla the Time.
I'm a landlord. You don't get more oldfashioned-capitalist than that. The Game requires that I screw tenants to the wall, maximize profit, and use profit to buy more rental units and screw more…
Maybe, just maybe black women don't want to be her friend?
So, I get why they would ban things with sexual violence. I think it's not a perfect policy, but I really respect the kind of thinking behind the decision to not sell works that depict sexual violence.
Been dying for this setting, but I was really hoping to see a female assassin for this one. Oh well, Ubisoft.
Fans of Dallas and Washington would like a word with you...
They had to add a woman or there would be none except for Galadriel. It is hard to imagine a world with so few females as Tolkien wrote. Jackson just wanted it not to be a sausage fest, and he was right to do so.
I don't either, re: Aidan...whatever his last name is. Maybe it's the extra scruff? Or the weapons? It might be the weapons.
Her dress was interfering with ethics in gaming journalism.
Hell, lady, if you want to just avoid major life decisions while punishing your body, just join the fucking Army like the rest of us. We'll even give you health insurance while you ruck march through the wilderness, and pay you a token sum, too.
completely agree, they dress absolutely appropriately. Is she thinking they have to wear business suits or evening gowns???
And just above, BoomByeBye makes a crack about "...the drunken Bush daughters...".
Where is all this hate coming from? guys only see a few seconds and you all suddenly know it's going to suck? god the internet....
I work on friday.
I'd have probably done better in a twerking competition than I did on the math portion of my SATs.