
Ummm, why did you put Brooklyn in all caps? You are aware that Brooklyn, if it were a stand-alone city, would be one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world, right? Not just the US but in the ENTIRE WORLD. Rather odd that a show-runner in 2012 (or whenever the show came out) would choose to have an all

It isn't enough for me or the other poster to just turn off Ms. Handler if she makes a racist remark or say that we don't like or agree with that part of Ms. Handler's act while still supporting her other jokes/acts that don't have anything to do with race. And while I might enough the anecdotes about her family, I

Did anyone else read it as Michelle Bachmann?

Yes I'm the one who's insecure. You are the one defending a racist and then you changed tack when you were called out on it. You then began speaking about how I wasn't willing to listen to your defences of racism to another poster who was also being defensive about supporting Handler's racism. You projecting this


you know, i'm gonna let you in on a little secret: it's possible to like someone and enjoy their work, and that doesn't mean you agree with 100% of everything she's ever said. crazy, huh? kinda like how, in real life, you can be friends with people even though you don't agree with them on some things, or even a lot of

Yea, not one of her bests. Although, I guess it is difficult to follow-up Are you there Vodka, It's Me Chelsea.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

I'd say its about 50/50 for me. she offends about 50 of the time and she's tolerable to funny the other 50. I'm still weirded out over the Uganda be kidding me. Its not funny offensive its just stupid.

Me too. I don't agree with everything she says, but for the most part she's pretty truthful. I also like that she gives a lot of up and coming comedians a chance. Not all of them are great, but I would have never been introduced to Fortune Feimster if it wasn't for Chelsea.

With a little time and effort, this unfortunate image could have been unnoticeably fixed.

That's what my gynecologist said to me.

Unless you're filming this for evidence AFTER A 911 CALL TO THE POLICE, you are an asshole. This makes me rage for the lack of concern from everyone on that bus.

Check the title of the video. It may have been released recently, but the implication seems to be that it was shot several months ago.

The fact that someone had their phone out to record this - but NOT to call 911 - is just...gah. There is so much sad happening here, but that's what really struck me.

Ah, a non addict who KNOWS addicts and throws out the heroin chic term.

Truthfully, I would have asked if she was okay because I didn't know there was a thing called, "heroin nod." I wouldn't have sat there and recorded it.

Asians, they are just like us!