
I'm not saying she has to accept advances she doesn't want. But the crack at the end kind of implies that she wasn't really bothered by it and instead was using the situation to distance herself from Miley. It's rude, and hypocritical.

Off-topic. Am I the only one who is tired of every little thing being described as "epic?"

Epic Shade.

No, the altitude doesn't really affect it, but the state does a lot to push healthy living. Most of the cities like Boulder and Denver are super bike friendly and you can bike anywhere for miles. Also the mountains come with a lot of recreation and a lot of cities actually go out of there way and ban stuff like KFC

I definitely felt better about myself for a little while when I moved from NYC to Ohio. I was suddenly the thin girl of most groups. But then I started putting on weight, because I wasn't walking as much, and I was eating more of the crap they think is normal there. Now I live in California, and I've started taking

I heard JLo's eyebrow person charges $1200 per wax. That is provided you can get an appointment with her. Apparently JLo will demand this woman's services at the drop of a hat and she flies her out to wherever she is.

I see what you did there and I'm conflicted.

Oh cool, a gif! You are clearly the Champ. Shit it's Nene too, now I feel rulll stupid.

This is... SO many of you have just completely abdicated your senses of humor it just boggles my mind to read you point something out and then explain to us why it's offensive. Thanks, Tracie, for the step by step walk through the horrors of Jason Biggs' tweet. This site has turned into an instructional booklet for

It never ceases to puzzle me when brodudes think they're being "edgy" by shitting on a fat woman, a black woman or a fat black woman. Oooh, congrats on doing what our entire society already does, you boundary-pusher, you. I bet you have a George Carlin quote on your Facebook page, so bold and "politically incorrect"

More like "terrortoma", am I right?

I think it's more a hit on the "savior" thing and a continuation of the idea that they adopted a kid as a prop, so of course they'd want the "it" black person.

What's the euphemistic doublespeak for "you're a dick"?

The Denver Post one doesn't seem all that racist to me. They probably made the pun in reference to escape velocity rather than escaped slaves.

I don't care if that's true or not. I'm filing it away mentally...