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Personally, I think the problem is that they need to start showing The Cutting Edge on television more. It used to be on all the time. And I don't even know the last time Ice Castles was on.

It blows my mind that Wagner keeps complaining about people who fall down scoring higher than her. It's like she completely forgot how she got invited to these Olympics in the first place. Maybe Mirai Nagasu will send her a card with a picture of the world's tiniest violin on it.

Dinner's at eight! You'd better clean your plate! You're too young to date!

Oh I am so sorry that you were forced to look at this article. You poor thing. If someone is holding a gun to your head and making you look at "Disney princesses imagined as...stuff" on the internet, may I suggest you call the police? And if not then may I suggest you just not click on the articles? There problem

The red priestess figured out what's a fire and why does it - what's the word?

no pocohantas?

The bass should be a soprano mom saying "are you home?"

These are fantastic. Though, while I definitely like Elsa as Daenerys, I also LOVED this one.

what rhymes with "stand up straight"?

My mom's cameo would be like "Hey girl/ why don't you call up that Matt boy/ he seemed pretty nice/ and you're not getting any younger/ I just want you to be happyyyyyyy"

I'm going to record a song with my mom. The chorus will consist of her yelling and pleading for me to come home more and coming up with every excuse to not.

You would too if you had the Sea Org following you.

If you decide to patronize this business, some of your dollars are funding radical anti-choice (and therefore anti-women) organizations. That makes it relevant, IMO.

FYI, this is exactly what it was like to live in ancient Egypt.

That's cute... dress your white self up in other people's culture. Anyone else disturbed by the fact that all the men she turns to sand/objects/a dog are men of color? I cannot even remotely get behind a video where a white woman uses and exploits men of color. No thanks.

I personally am concerned about all these white kids shooting up all these schools? Why are your kids so crazy? Put down that chopped kale and roasted almond salad and do something white people.

So were you sitting right next to me at the DC meetup or did I walk you to the metro or were you someone else? I really am confused because I know all these people match up with faces but I can't remember who.

I, for one, would like to talk about the white on white crime rate. White crime victims are overwhelmingly likely to be victimized by another white person. Let's talk about that! Clearly, there is something wrong in their culture and communities that makes this white on white crime thing happen.

Black on Black crime is just a ploy introduced by conservatives in the 80s to further the narrative of Black crime, as if killing one's own is evidence of savagery and not the result of spatiality. DOJ figures show that in the past 30 years 88% of White people were killed by other Whites and no one talks about White

Erm, except that isn't the issue at all, but I'm sure you're all feelin' good now that you've put the progressives in their place.