Or an old-timey villian with a cape, top hat & a stiletto hidden in a cane.
Or an old-timey villian with a cape, top hat & a stiletto hidden in a cane.
"I am willing to go on the record saying I don't drink people's blood" has got to be the best celeb quote I have read in a LONG time, Pharrell. That's a bold statement, sir. Are you REALLY sure you want to go on the record stating that? Bold indeed!
Nooooooooo. It was more like 64 (it was before she could legally retire)
We all know that Black don't crack. Wasn't Stacy Dash like 73 when she filmed Clueless?
Let's just focus on this part, shall we? She ATTEMPTED TO REPORT A CRIME and so they ran her ID and found an active warrant. Now that's incentive not to report a crime if I've ever heard one. Jesus fucking Christ.
...But is the NFL ready for Ellen Page?
Lol, though I do love the word sheeple though. I wish I had more of an excuse to use it.
Which is why she said "I think the pill is great for those who don't have many sustained side-affects."
Commenters, do you hear yourselves? There's a lot of but these women were beautiful to begin with... going on here. Why do you think that they are so different from you?
The end picture doesn't even look like a real person.
I absolutely thought this was going to turn out to be a Dove commercial.
I'm sure there was. I mean, I am happy with how I look, and I get the general message, but if someone gave me some awesome professional photos I would be like "F yeah!" and change my profile pic. Yes, curves and freckles are beautiful and all, but if someone wants to erase my acne scars and make my skin look radiant…
I really wish there was one woman that was like, "Fuck yeah! Photoshop made me look awesome!" Maybe there was and they photoshopped her out for not fitting in the with sappy music.
such cruelty. wow. much gloat.
I think in the case of breast cancer, it's talked about a lot, but in a way that tends to somehow both overdramatize it and trivialize it at the same time. Pictures like this remind us that breast cancer is still cancer - a serious, burley, brutal disease.
Amazing, isn't it, that boobs can be all over facebook and it's OK as long as the nipple is covered ... even if it is only by a tiny little star. Yet this can be considered offensive, even though the "offensive" part is gone. People fucking suck.
A laptop doubles as a nice lap heater for those chilly early morning poops.