
Your username makes me think you are being facetious.

Ashley, reacting to your Photoshopping.

You're so right. Nationalism has absolutely no place in an athletic competition where countries compete against one another.


White people look the same.

What's with all this breathing people do? It's so unnecessary, so wasteful, so......unappreciative. No wonder the dead hate us.

Domo arigato Obama!


I'm pretty sure Mirai Nagasu felt that way after Wagner fell twice at the national championship and still made the team and she didn't.

That Frida quote is lovely. I just want to say that you really inspire ME - your determination and your compassion. Have you considered writing down what life is like for you right now, just like you did here? A Livejournal, a blog, a tumblr even? Because it might feel good for you, and I and I bet a lot of other

I just want to say that it is amazing and beautiful that in the midst of all that you are going through you are reaching out to try to connect with someone who needs it. It really is a testimony to the power of human connection. I am so sorry for your pain and what you have had to deal with. It may not feel like it

You internet sluths deserve so many thank yous. I appreciate you doing this. Thank you

Please please please - talk to us. There are people here who want to hear your story. Want to listen and help in any way they can. If you can't handle the suicide hotline right now then stay on jez and talk to us. I am willing to stay up all night with you. I know I am just an Internet stranger but I care. We care. I

My guess is that you don't want to die so much as you want the pain to stop. Suicide makes everything stop, though, including the chance of your situation getting better.

Writing that down for a total stranger proves that you are a good person with good impulses and you deserve to feel better. You can do this! We are here for you.

Appropriate PD has been notified and a welfare check requested.

Colin Kaepernick (San Francisco 49ers quarterback) weighs 230 lbs. Do you think Colin Kaepernick is blubbery?

Guess i have to post this to you too inProduction