
NEWSFLASH: Oppressed people have the right to be angry about their oppression. His "interview" was not an interview; it was a continued, oppressive monologue that trans* people deal with every fucking day. He should be called out on it. Crying "bully" for being called out on bullshit is - well, bullshit.

This is the new normal? No, there is no new normal, not yet. In terms of acceptance of trans* identities there is still just the old, shitty normal.

Women like Janet Mock are killed by people who believe the ignorance Piers Morgan refuses to acknowledge in himself. But yeah, controversy machine, sure.

No. The people calling her "unhealthy looking" are THE SAME people who would call me unhealthy just by looking at me. I'm really sick of the "ooh we skinnies are sooo persecuted" shit on Jez. It's not true. It's just not true.

I'm only slightly ashamed to say I'd do the same thing for $250k.

Are you mental or something?

TS: Guarding your heart and protecting your dignity are a little bit more important than clarifying the emotions of someone who’s only texting you back three words. I’ve learned that from trying to figure out people who don’t deserve to be figured out. When someone seems mysterious, we like to romanticize that he’s

Thanks for mentioning this, although I'm sure people will still assume she does it to everyone because she's just so ~craycray~

Oh fuck. I've been frozen out, and I HATE IT. Especially when the guy doing it to me is the first guy I had sex with. I did not go to his house, though I was tempted. A month later, he texts me: "Hi." That's all. I nearly went over to his house at that point TO BURN IT TO THE GROUND.

Now playing

I miss the Shakira when she first started out.

Can we just make "snuck" a word already? "Selfie" was added to the dictionary last year! If we don't get "snuck" in 2014 I vow to investigate 9/11!

Our government can't even figure out how a budget works, and the President during 9/11 now spends his days painting his pets. Honestly, this country can't even keep The Bachelor results secret, these truthers are greatly overestimating our governments capabilities.

I just wish immigrants today spoke English like our ancestors from Italy, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands...

Tebow, save us.

It may be on Twitter but these are real people.

Personally I enjoy Deadspin/Gawker Media calling out Twitter bigots. Since they often use their real name, they're enshrined for eternity. I bet the bulk of these who go to school or have respectable/corporate jobs get a nice long talk this week.

Yes. It's hilarious to see how stupid people can be. Don't like it? LEAVE

Like it matters. With Barack HUSSEIN Obama in the White House, we'll all be speaking MUSLIM within a few years anyway!

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose