
I know! It's, like, sooooo, like, weird that different situations are different.

Ah, Texas. They want a dead woman to give birth to a brain-damaged clump of cells that can't possibly survive. HOLY SHIT.

Thank you for your post.

My ass is flabby but I spend my days teaching teenagers with behavior disorders and reading deficiencies. I wish someone would offer me $$$ to do something great for society like start a brand of leggings. In the meantime, I don't have textbooks for my classroom and I teach people who actually need help.

sums up my feelings exactly. I found this quote from her on Buzzfeed which basically makes me think that this woman is an idiot: "So how can eating only one company’s products impact me, anybody? Well Mr. McDonald’s already proved that question years ago with his documentary and Mr. Subway did his take on the losing

I read about her this morning and the entire thing forced me to give my computer screen a One Finger Salute. She never explains WHY she did this. She never mentions WHAT any results/consequences/etc. were. She doesn't WRITE anything about her experience, but merely posted 1 picture a day featuring Starbucks food

Just give this woman the book deal she so wants. For fuck's sake....

I don't really get it either. A few times a year, I twat something to my three or four followers, but I'm not sure why I bother to even do that. Deleting the account would make a lot more sense.

That's actually the most sensible New Year's outfit I've seen in a while. She even knotted the jacket around her waist! Genius.

I want to go to one of these places. They look like bouncy castles but better.

My only NY resolution relating to fitness is to dance drunkenly in front of my bathroom mirror more often. This is the only acceptable form of exercise* in my world.

Both of those songs actually came out in 2012. And sorry, but you are 100% wrong about the Icona Pop song.

A million times yes. Radioactive brings out such a visceral rage in me. I imagine the creative process went like this:

Twenty bucks says pieces of this end up on Shia LaBeouf's Twitter by tomorrow morning.

He's so needy. No wonder all those women he sings about are running in the other direction.

I hate the whole, let me wear a fat suit bullshit. For one, the suits they pick are usually grotesque looking. Additionally, yeah, I think anyone is going to feel out of breath and restricted in a rubber suit. That's not how being fat feels, esp. if you know, actually excercise and are used to your own weight (and

I hate everything about him. Honestly, he irks the holy fuck out of me and I don't get his popularity. A commenter here called him "Captain Try-hard" and lordy, that's apt.

I'll come out and admit that I have AWFUL taste in music, but am I the only one who kinda liked Wrecking Ball?

'When I Was Your Man' has followed me around all fucking year. I'd give anything to be rid of that appalling sub-musical whimper.

How about all Bruno Mars, too? He needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history.