
Don't worry Bey!
The 'Free Speech' and 'anti-PC' crowd will come to your rescue!

Ohhh, you joining then for a 3 way?

For true though- did Milano ACTUALLY learn magic for Charmed? She looks amazeballs.
Mohr on the otherhand....why is he famous again?

The funniest thing about the Kim Kardashian ring picture is that Wiz Khalifa commented and said something like "my girl's ring is bigger than yours." Oh, celebrities.

No, I think it was a reminder that he's married to a woman who also gave birth.

I don't know much about Jay Mohr, but he looks and acts like every coked-up, overage frat boy I've ever known.

Why not? Coxx chose to turn herself into a plastic surgery disaster. If that is Mohr's standard of women it's relevant.

Or, it's a gracious response to an ugly and untrue comment. But hey, don't let me stop you from assuming the worst.

Well as someone in Scotland I completely agree with T-Boz. We can do the corny shite as much as we like (I would rather not actually but i guess other people do what they want). Listening to other people who don't know what they are saying get all the words wrong and turn into basically Groundskeeper fucking Willie

sadly,that is not surprising.

ol' "robbie" planned on being a "negro driver" (pg 23) but got famous off his poems instead. as the article asks,what if he had not become a famous poet? basically,my point is that he's,as i suspected,not someone to respect. i listened to t-boz as a preteen in the mid-ninties and i'm still listening to her/tlc 19

Riiiiiiight... you're headed into great territory with this assertion. Much cooler if she was Scottish. Clearly. Because why would any other culture be great, have other traditions or like other songs?

Wait... she's an idiot because she subjectively does not like it, or she's an idiot because she doesn't know the history of the song (which has no bearing on whether or not she likes it)? One has to like it, because of the history of the song? One has to study it in order to love it? Good to know.

If the ghost of Jimi Hendrix comes to you tonight and says Auld Lang Syne is indeed corny as fuck, then what will you do?

I'm sure most (if not all) people here are aware of this, but just in case you're not, Lily Allen's brother is everyone's favorite salt husband.

I'm Fed UPS with the delivery services these days.

Shut the fuck up, and stop derailing the conversation.

White supremacy works in insidious ways. So, if you are non-white, the closer your features, such as skin color, hair type, nose shape, etc., are to white people's features, the "better" or prettier you are. This was instilled in Black people whose ancestors were enslaved - the lightness of one's skin and straightness

Why do they do this? Two words: self-hate. For POC we are told that "white is all right" from the time we are knee-high to a grasshopper. A lot of POC internalize those messages and spit it out at the rest of us...they feel shitty and they want to take people down with them.