
The whole "No one should be silenced, not even bigots" argument is such a coward's way out attempt to endorse bigotry without REALLY endorsing it. If you hate gays just man up and say it, don't use this faux-intellectual argument to do so.

If instead of "fundamentally not wired for hooking up" he had said "generally conditioned by social pressures to seek relationships and not casual sexual encounters" I don't think there'd be as much bewilderment.

This, for me, is why hooking up stopped being fun after college. Sex with a guy who lives in the dorm down the hall was fun. Waking up three towns away from my apartment with a random guy was not.

I won't speak for the rest of the ladies but I'm fundamentally wired to have trouble balancing my strong libido and my strong desire to avoid being considered a slut for acting on it.*

Yep, I feel this too. I'm a fan of casual sex but also terrified of being murdered. The couple of times I've had one night stands I've been so nervous of murder that I've opened bedroom windows, lest I need to jump out, and clutched my phone throughout, lest I need to call the police. It's a shame. I think I could

Casual sex confuses me, mostly because I'm not sure how I would decrease my chances of being robbed or murdered...

This pleases me.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Has anyone else ever been ran into by someone texting/facebooking/whatever only to have them yell at you for getting in their way?! *shakes fist*

As an attorney, let me tell you something the MRAs are not going to say: a HUGE number of the fathers who seek shared or total custody do it because they want to pay less child support. Then they dump the kid with their mom or even a sitter because they would rather pay a stranger than their ex.

The Vienna conventions in regards to diplomatic corps and immunity are by no means American imperialism. This comes down to if she qualifies for immunity and will impact diplomatic relationships with India.

Or you could just be like my mom and say nobody's allowed to come over ever because the house is a mess and why do your friends all have perfect houses? OH WAIT their moms don't work! Also I'm not driving you to your friends houses because it's too far.*

"Somebody likes you, but I'm not telllling..." haunts my dreams.

They perform cavity searches on everyone who's arrested to prevent them from bringing drugs or weapons into the facility. People who are arrested for things other than narcotics violations do these things too. I'm all for advocating for prisoner's rights and dignity, but the effect of only exempting people who didn't

Don't. One of my best friends made me watch this and it made me groan a lot but mostly I was just bored.

Eva Longoria made Devious Maids despite having a Masters in Chicano/a Studies from Cal State Northridge. The premise is misleading because there is a stronger portrayal of women than one would initially assume but we still have a long way to go. Her family has resided in the United States for generations so she's

not to take away from their talent, but the two actresses you mentioned are also extremely attractive. it seems like there are plenty of average looking white actresses working consistently but you have to be hot/exotic to be featured for non whites.

Fruitvale Station was one of the best movies I saw in 2013, if not THE best. It deserved to be nominated for a Golden Globe, but since those awards are a joke anyways, and just an excuse to get famous people in to one room to hob nob with the regular folks, I'm hoping it will be nominated (along with Michael B. Jordan

Any time I've seen anyone point this out, they get shouted down for derailing. It makes no sense to me. I grew up in a pretty Latino area and I personally find the lack of Latino portrayals in media lacking (like how they spray-tanned pasty Brit Ben Barnes to play one in that movie The Big Wedding, instead of just