
Can we talk about there are several white guys who have hosted multiple times and the BW count is at what, 9? Not to mention the nearly invisible number of hosts of other ethnicities? Good LORD Lorne Michaels.

I recently worked at Lisa Frank (yes, it's still up and running) and was, initially, so excited. I'm young, so getting a job with a "big name company" seemed like a god send. "Rainbow Gulag" couldn't be more true. First, there were three creative staff, two digital librarians, a woman who worked with product, and

I worked for Lisa directly in the early 1990s while I was still in high school. My mom was her original bookkeeper, before Lisa hit it big. To this day, it was still one of the best jobs I ever had. I worked for her in a mostly personal capacity, functioning somewhat as a personal assistant. I have been in her

Girls and Corpses magazine?

I mean, it's not shocking that the creator of manic rainbow-unicorn-panda scenes who compares herself to a posh kitten (when she doesn't even like cats), is implied to have some sort of body dysmorphic disorder, and compares her fame to that of Michael Jackson is likely a huge coke-head, right?

My grandmother who only speaks Spanish hates all Spanish programming. She says it shows American society only negative aspects of our culture and makes us look like sexist horny peasantry. Hilarious that she points out that that white parents don't want their precious white kids to date Hispanics. Hilarious

Oh man. Remember the days when she actually seemed to enjoy what she did for a living?

Sorry, but no.

oooh yeah look at this bad boy

I often think about this kind of stuff bc I'm a fundraiser for a nonprofit. I think....hey asshole, do you really NEED to go to the Super Bowl at $6,000 per person? Do you neeeed an Audi? Do you have to fly on a private jet at all times? Some donor helicopter'ed himself into one of our events this year. SERIOUSLY?!

Yeah, because spending 5 minutes a day taking out the trash, an hour or two taking the car to get an oil change twice a year, and an hour mowing the lawn once a week is totally the same time commitment as cooking 3 meals a day, doing the dishes and laundry, wiping down the countertops and stove, scrubbing the toilet,

You're kidding, right? I am the one everyone asks for help with their cars and computers. My lawn is designed to not need mowing ... I did the landscape design. Hooking up a TV or work a remote? Seriously? Who needs help with those things besides my 80-year old mother with cataracts?

I would dearly love to see her take Kanye for everything he's worth, because, irony.

"I feel compelled to speak about something that is in my head and my heart."

I actually do 90% of our home repairs (painting, drywall, wiring, etc.) because my mother owned rentals in a college town when I was a kid and my brother and I were free labor. I also mow the lawn when it needs to be mowed, take out the trash before it overflows, I know how to use all of the remotes in our house

One of my biggest pet peeves is how many of my males friends brag about intentionally fucking up chores. I had a science teacher who said the first week he and his wife moved in together he intentioned put bleach in the wash and ruined all her clothes so she would never "let" him do chores again. This was not a unique