As a Latina of mixed ethnicity who DID grow up within East L.A. chol@ culture, I do find this offensive. There was a whole set of social circumstances that surrounded the culture, and most of it had to do with class status. It's pretty annoying to realize that folks with privilege play dress up at this subculture…
Latino is not considered a race. It's a broad term for anyone who is from the many and varied countries of Central and South America, a native speaker of one of the many South American Spanish or Portuguese dialects. People from those countries are ethnically 'white' 'black' 'indigenous American' 'Indian' 'East Asian'…
I disagree. Latino/a is not considered a race by most people. I've lived in South America as well as South Florida (heavily Latino) and Latino is your cultural background, and a pretty broad strokes description at that. It's not a race.
Latino/latina is not a race. White is a Race. Latino/latina is NOT.
As a black women I don't see aunt Jemima and think: hey that's me. Yet I can recognize the historical context of slavery that informs the black experience today. Does slave = black? Nope. Yet at the same time I think the author is calling Del Ray out on appropriating a cultural experience/system that is far-removed…
Latino is not a race. Please look up the demographics of any Latin American country, where you will find that black people live there as well as plenty of (extremely) white people of Spanish descent.
Initially, from the headline, I thought Demi Lovato was Maria Full of Grace-ing it for extra money.
you can get Prada on ebay for pretty cheap, around $10 or $20
She was that good at manipulating people, she smuggled it in everyone else's orifices. Everyone. Even Diane in 7b.
Lana Del Ray, born Elizabeth Woolridge Grant.
the taylor swift hate on this website is really starting to get on my nerves tbh
What did I say that was anti-Semitic? That you're rich? Well you fucking are, you earn the US national average of $50k, which means you earn more money than 66% of Black people. I think this shows just how privileged you are, given that you think this makes you poor.
I think most PoC would rather have the hand you got dealt, especially since as a Black teenager I was more likely to be incarcerated than have the opportunity to go to College. As for racist scrawls in bathrooms, well I don't even notice them now. Not because they don't exist but rather due to the fact that I'm so…
You want me to explain how Jews are more privileged than PoC, well how about we start with the fact that 11.6% of the world's billionaires are Jewish according to Forbes, yet they make up less than 0.2% the world's population.Do you know how many Black billionaires there are? One.
Sometimes it feels like all the people that choose not to have children are exactly the people I wish raised more children.
Please that girl will tell the haters she's already told off a bunch of Hollywood elites so why not.
Why is Suzanne Venker going on Fox News when she should be at home making her husband a sandwich?