
Are you dense? "Does this make me look fat?" is a joke on women about femininity and the high value placed on appearance for women. Melissa McCarthy and Louis Anderson walk into a room, who's going to be judged more harshly for being fat?

No, you are flat wrong about that. It's not 'really fucking easy to tell' if you are being the butt of a prejudicial jibe.

Considering that they were never identified by name, they can hardly have suffered much damage to their reputations.

Yeah remember all those jokes about Jackie Robinson, back in the day, when he was the only black player in the majors? Those were hysterical! Too bad he couldn't laugh at himself when fans and players made all those funny jokes. As he was breaking into a sport dominated by white men.

The problem, is that there is this history of misogynist bravado in racing of all kinds, which transforms what might otherwise just be gentle ribbing, into a questionable attack based on gender. It's kind of tough to tell which it is, sometimes. She probably has that look on her face, because she's trying to figure

I would go a little further and say the very existence of the article is strange. Yes, forced abortions are bad. Very bad. But context matters. And the context of this particular completely FARC'ed situation, I'm not actually sure it's the worst thing going on there. It's all pretty appalling. I'm sure there is a less

That's FARC'ed.

It's like he's somehow doing duckface without doing duckface.

I just spent way too much time tracking down the remnants of his college report Tumblr instead of finishing my own college report. He's like an eternal fountain of stoned kookiness.

It's kind of hot that you have to push the panties aside to insert your cable.

Having to pull them to the side to charge the phone would actually be kinda hot.

"colored people?" Nope. I just couldn't read this garbage after I saw that.

Good thing my travels extend to traveling from my bed to the bathroom with a layover in the living room for GoT.

All of these "jokes" about a celebrity hair chart are starting to get me concerned... Should I be keeping one of my own?!

She was so pretty then. I fail to see what needed "fixing".

Kanye West has destroyed Kim's face. RIP old Kim.

You are definitely right, but I wish you hadn't replied to him. He should have been left in the gray.

Hopefully they read the marriage ToS before going through with it.