
Should she lose her job for the costume? Who knows, probably not. Should an employer fire her for showing her critical thinking skills aren't fully formed (i.e. let me post and hashtag this on the internet for all to see)? Absolutely. There's two steps: being dumb enough to wear something offensive to work &

She wore that costume to work.

Ok, veganvampyreyeah, I am going to lay somethings out for you, and I will do so with the authority with which my Ivy-League background, black American heritage, international experience and general good sense imbues me. So, your comments are in Bold and Italics, mine are not.

Let's not pretend like Australia is some utopia of non-racism and non-colonialism. In fact, it has some very deep racial issues that spring from some really fucked up colonialism. It's still racist to do blackface in Australia.

Also: "Don't get your panties in a bunch" is a pretty sexist insult. Try not to offend

yeah, tell me about how a KKK outfit has any other meaning, or how it relates in any way to either africa or australia. they came and stole their racism from the US, yo. ;p

i second that. sometimes,you just need to "tell it like it is". did you peep her/his little sneaky racist jab at you? you're uncivilized and uneducated in their eyes. you and i know that that's nowhere near the truth. :)

Please go fuck yourself.

This is so incredibly tragic. As a lawyer, I always try to discuss the legal ramifications of what it really means to declare that "life begins at conception." What's next, do we subject women to legal jeopardy because they engaged in activities that may have caused a miscarriage? Every time a woman

For some people, their identity is tied to their hair. Some women are blessed with gorgeous locks, but not looks. I am one of those. My natural hair is the only thing that makes me recognizable and memorable. When I tie it back vs wear it down, people do NOT recognize or remember my face. It's all I have to feel

You're incredibly ignorant.

I don't particularly want them to leave, but if I had to pick two people to leave, it would be them.

Some people are just too dumb to internet.

Also, things like this are why it benefits everyone to learn how to go crazy on Facebook's privacy settings. And, ya know, not be a dick and throw awful themed parties where your friends feel free to dress in blackface. (AND IN A KLAN COSTUME, which kinda blows my mind.)

Yet again, NBC is...

I have no idea how these photos have even been seen, they were simply put on facebook

Are these her parents? This is so bizarre, it's not like a frat party where the patients are basically running the asylum; there are bona fide adults at this thing, and everyone seems to have bought in to the "theme" with nary a side eye. What the fuck?

I have always wanted to go to Africa (to teach English)

How is it not much better? Men need to feel needed, women need to be put in their place. Men need to ejaculate, women need to know their place. Men need to grow up, women need to be controlled. Men need to cheat, women need to be disciplined. Only one of those has a pattern of control, oppression and violence.

Hey girl, now your only option is to become a Belieber.