
If the pilot for The Flash is indicative of how the whole series is going to be... it actually surpasses the Flash/Luthor moment :) (yes, i did a bad thing) :D

Anybody familiar with this one? I've never heard of it, but it's from Mainframe Entertainment, the same people who did Reboot. Is it worth a look?

i know, and that's what drew me to it in the first place. that and genuinely stellar scripts and acting... even if some of it WAS a bit obscure. the Otherworld episodes were a bit of a drag a few times, i have to say, but once you see how and where they fit in... well, it speaks for itself.

i never even knew it existed until netflix recommended it after i watched GL:A... and i had the same reaction to the whole cheesy/campy thing. but i was bored, so what the hell. after the second episode, i settled in for the duration. ;)

Also, for the longest time now i've been trying to watch Voyager...
I just can't seem to escape the first season. I don't even remember
which episode i'm on. I know it gets better from having seen a few
later episodes on tv way back when.... but WHEN does it get better?

i'm waiting to get the entire Kai :) and i agree that GT is in no way better than Z, but it's not a bad watch, and it fits inside a weekend. :) You're absolutely right about the first 25 eps, tho... they tried to recapture the cutesy feel of the original, but Z had already gone too far. The remainder of the series

ooo there's a few in there i missed... last one i saw was flashpoint, which was by far my favorite. updating my lists now, thanks! :)

i just finished this one a few days ago. when i watched the intro movie i was like "meh"... then i gave it a chance. i really didn't intend to watch the whole damn thing with no sleep! :) they need to continue the series!

i LOVE this show... my only problem with it (and where i currently stopped) is the double-reboot. it was bad enough when Eureka did it. NOW it's on my someday list

i'll be happy when they start putting up the new episodes of Ultimate Spiderman... i really love how they do the whole deadpool 4th wall thing throughout the series

i'm on season 3 with this one (my extended-watch list)... :)

i started watching this the other day on Netflix, but it was only available subtitled, and for some reason while the picture quality was awesome, i couldn't read most of the subs. :(

same here... i missed almost the entire last season, so the finale didn't make a lot of sense to me in some areas :/

it gets much more engaging past the 5th episode... at least in my opinion.

THERE WAS A SEASON 4!?!?!?!?!?

and then there's always F-Troop for those looking for lighter fare :D

i'm not familiar with this one... looks pretty interesting if the intro's anything to go by. is it english dubbed/subbed?

that was actually my line-up a couple of weekends ago, including Green Lantern: The Animated Series... (i'm in-between jobs so it was a REALLY long weekend) :D Last weekend was Batman: Brave and Bold... which was a LOT better than i thought it would be

I'm gonna go with Young Justice, Green Lantern: Animated, and if you're looking for some old-school Dragonball GT (Z is just too long with too much fluff). GT's on my list for this weekend... hadn't seen it in a good while, and already recently watched the other two. :) NEXT weekend, tho, full-on Fullmetal

oddly, against all expectations... i find
myself coming around to actually wanting
to see this.

i still just can't see megan fox as april, tho.
it's just not working for me. :/