
Didn’t Clint Eastwood fingerbang an Orangutan once?

Goddamnit, this is a good argument.

3. Peanuts (8.45)

Currently in academia, there’s real discussion about raising the burden of proof in death penalty cases to absolute and creating a more structured system (aka a first time lawyer can’t represent someone up for death penalty nor first time judge presiding). This should satisfy anyone worried about wrongful deaths.

This is a fair argument.

This is a fair criticism.

So I don’t put much stock in the monetary argument against capital punishment.

This monetary arguments against capital punishment are fair. I should have structured my argument differently.

I mean, it cuts both ways, right?

People used to show up for the gallows because they didn’t have FOOTBALL! Now? Now that shit is relegated to the shadows. If we’re going to do it, we should own it. We should have to see it and accept it because we, as a society, conditionally accept it.

Fuck it, let’s find out what

Pursuing the death penalty is more expensive than a life sentence, cost can’t really be invoked as a justification for the death penalty.

Fair point. Cost should not be a factor.

This is a fair point and you’re right.

But I’m of the opinion that in situations like this, where doubt is a virtual fucking zero, that the process of appeals should be limited to - oh - 1?

That being said, I’m also of the opinion that some, if not many, death sentences are based on bullshit evidence (especially those

the capital sentencing process that the statute provides is constitutionally inadequate in practice...The results of the jurors’ good-faith grappling with the law—arbitrary, biased, and erroneous death verdicts—are intolerable as a matter of due process and proportional punishment.



I don’t know what any of these words mean.

And if I had remembered that I wouldn’t have made an ass out of myself.

SIDE NOTE (Because it hasn’t been addressed yet): Blizzard just released the Ana patch (1.1.0 whatever) for consoles and it’s causing the majority of XBOX One players games to crash.

Just had 3 games in a row crash and their support forum is lighting up.

why would I even want a utility

Someone is going to have to manage you selling your excess power back to the grid and you purchasing any additional power beyond your battery capacity. Unless you want to manage that all day long.

So Tesla positions themselves as the middle man between you and the grid (i.e. everyone

Not enough.

That’s a good poop joke.

I mentioned it to my buddies and they said that if you flee the farm with your family it’s different.