I always pictured David Bowie in my head whenever I read Lucifer - either in Sandman or the spin on series.
I always pictured David Bowie in my head whenever I read Lucifer - either in Sandman or the spin on series.
There are rules, Smokie.
This isn’t ‘Nam.
Pay me.
The disappointment of Unity may have even negatively impacted sales of Syndicate, according to Ubisoft executives.
I’ve played every Assassin’s Creed game available on Xbox and, generally, love the franchise. However, after trying to decipher the awful fucking map in Unity I gave up on the game and haven’t finished…
Shameless plug (because amazing) Alert.
Lemmy did some guest vocals for a good friend of mine’s band, The Warriors.
The Globe is a shithole that specializes in keeping Spokane’s unkempt masses lit like the goddamned 4th of July.
It sits on “Herpy Row” right across from Borraccho (yes, they named a Mexican-themed bar “Drunk”) whose owner is being indicted for defrauding a federal mortgage relief program.
Furthermore, a few months…
Question (because I haven’t read the comics): Did Gordon kill people while in the BatSuit?
If so, that might create an interesting tension between the two and I could see Gordon, possibly, becoming disillusioned with Bruce’s way of handling things ...
Roses Are Red
Violets are Blue
Remember that chick in Colorado?
Yeah ... me to.
- A Tale of Zales
What are your thoughts on the claims that ISIS, essentially, was the end result of U.S. financing rebel groups in the region because they were trying to prevent a Russian pipeline that would give them a (greater) monopoly on nat gas / oil transfers to Western Europe. Because if that’s the case, what the fuck do…
Don’t you have a Foodspin article to write?
- Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
- I felt like I was in Star Wars.
- Made me download the OG trilogy (have never watched any episode from start to finish. sue me.)
- Planes, trains, and AT-ATs, oh my!
- Dice’s fucked up aiming mechanics.
I love Battlefield. Or, rather, I love the idea of Battlefield. Overall,…
Well this is getting ridiculous.
John Oliver actually touched on this last night.
(maybe this will help)
Tyler - On a pucker factor of Bay of Pigs (o) to WWIII (11), how tight does the situation in Syria make your Balloon Knot?
Calling a black dude “well spoken / articulate” - i.e. “He’s very well spoken / articulate.” would be an example of the the “intelligent black man trope.
The argument being - you don’t walk around calling fucking Rachel Maddow articulate do you? No, because she’s white and you expect it.
It’s a take on the “magical…
The Wife and I often go to bed at different times. She’s usually asleep by 9:30-10 and I can’t fall asleep ‘till sometime later than 11.
This is not a #hottake. This is #gospel.
1. Take $1,000
2. Buy 2,000,000 shares @ $.0005
3. Wait for it to go up to $.03 (Feb. 2015 price)
4. ???
5. Book profit of ~$60,000.
6. Buy Saleen Mustang