Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred tweets
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred tweets
Nope, he was trying to be smart and got confused. It happens to the best of us. And Drew too, I guess.
People who survived tend to have survived.
In the end, soccer is a fun distraction, but he felt that he needed to devote more time into running LexCorp.
Those benches and beams have wrong instructions. They are there only so you don’t have to touch ground, because it is lava.
Well, maybe they’d get along better if they weren’t named Kian and Blakely....
If you think that’s stupid, the Browns hate kneeling so much they refused to go into the victory formation all season.
Coupon Code for the Wireless Mini Handheld Remote Keyboard. Is saying it’s expired
Coupon Code for the Wireless Mini Handheld Remote Keyboard. Is saying it’s expired
Caucasians come up with the most absurd shit.
That paragraph separater checks out.
you know you frauding when white jesus is giving you the stank eye... lol
‘Tyrod is the starter’ sounds like an ignorant post on Jalopnik.
The Flames And Wings Had An Old-Fashioned Dust-Up
Burn USA Gymnastics to the ground. Start again with former athletes and build an organization that cares about its athletes instead of caring (only) about their performances.
I think it was in late April/early May? They apparently weren’t paying him, so he left.
The colors on his new site are atrocious. It makes it very hard to read.
I miss Behind Closed Ovens.
this is Deadspin’s best reporting on an injured Colt since Barbaro - great job!
Choke the Raven nevermore.
For those that have not read it, I highly recommend Jon Krakauer’s book “Where Men Win Glory” about Pat Tillman.