
“Good job out there, Chemosabe.”

This will be a stain on the otherwise sterling recent reputation of Michigan State affiliated athletes and coaches.

Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?

Agreed, I got the i3 without range extender because I have other family members with gas cars for long trips, and I get to save a few grand which could be used to pay for some plane tickets.

I weighed 280-300 lbs when I started graduate school the summer of 2011. I decided I was going to eat better and start exercising more, starting with walking every day and eventually progressing to running 4.25 miles a day. Over the course of about 10 months, I lost 150 lbs, going down to 148 lbs at my lightest. In

Does Atlanta need cornerbacks? If so, I would advise them to look elsewhere given Georgia’s history with Shermans.

Hockey themed spin-off opportunity?

Also not liking the All in the Family reboot with Archie Bunker as prez.

If this was basketball, he’d have been back out there for his next shift.

...did i do that right?

and we call ourselves Chicago’s *Big Ten* team because we all know Chicago’s team is Notre Dame

Editor’s Note: I think a lot of the stars this got were sarcastic, but we’ll roll with it.

Editor’s Note: I think a lot of the stars this got were sarcastic, but we’ll roll with it.

I look forward to the day when this kind of stuff isn’t news. I hope he has a great career and his sexuality is never brought up again (wishful thinking, I know).

Sorel Caribou

Sorel Caribou

His yearly contributions to the Lions’ WYTS article always warm the cockles of my cold, dead heart.

Jolie, I spilled sprite on my couch, but you weren’t here to help me so I had to throw it out. :/


What kind of monster plays backyard ball without his father

Except for P.K. Subban.

Hockey players are so much scrappier than the thugs in the NFL.

Jordy Nelson is the prototypical WR. Clean shaven, no tattoos, runs the proper routes, catches the ball, doesn’t hang with Justin Beiber.