
hope it makes people mad that they are basically financial slaves to people more persuasive than they are. persuasive people dont actually work, they talk and write to persuade you to do the work for them, and reap the most benefit from your work. stop rewarding and idolizing talkers.

...... LOL, i mean, if its up in orbit for literally years, why even put something up there that you need to land and reuse? no pilot so no bodily time constraints. it already uses rocket, it does not fly up, just send up another big satellite for whatever its doing.

so its a space drone? if it needs a rocket to launch, why make it with wings etc? no pilot, long orbit times, no reason to make it a ‘plane’ looking config. i guess they just had them lying around and decided to use them?

100 years. that may be the coolest thing in ‘art’ ive ever seen. cant believe “the masters” command millions. they show absolutely no imagination or link to the collective compared to these.

did you come across anything about how this would affect adult unconscious contents? ie. dark warm water and a heartbeat as a comforting place, would no longer exist, no longer show up in dreams, or projected into mythology and fairy tales etc.

not a friendly looking ambassador in case thats where atlantians migrated to. dont start a war you cant win NASA!!

i wouldnt focus on words ‘social perfection’ so much as ‘personal expectation’. I would also focus on the balance of population size and density, with region’s resources etc, and level of technology available.

as a human being, not someone isolated in one little arm of theory and practice, you should look into the concepts of objective reality and subjective reality. just because a human is ABSOLUTELY SURE of some thing, and is some huge persuasive authority to other humans, does not mean ANYTHING. humans time and time

Interviewing parents as the only data input makes a very poor accuracy for a study. Most autism symptoms are the same things all kids do, its just that they are very very exagerated. If you describe symptoms to another parent, they will say or think ‘all kids do that’ but do not understand its like, 2 or 3 or even 5

i can see the allure to try proprietary anything for sales, but it NEVER WORKED for Sony lol, I cant figure out why the hell they keep trying to do it!!!! I have not bought anything from Sony for years because of this. Its bizarre how they love burning money.

lol, i always heard the cross was chastity.... down there.... because christian europeons assumed they invented the symbol.

cool, i thought of that later, it would be the way its ‘woven’ i guess.

wonder how they will prevent little space rocks from ripping right through the sail

would like a short film just showing mel gibson as a roughed up old man doing crazy stuff. no introspection or learning or feeling, just nuts. a way better legacy to mad max than thunderdome’s disneyesque story. could have put tom hardy in as a passing torch thing. but they are passing the insanity, not compassion or

i just vomited a little

wow i didnt know Miller read Joseph Campbell. neato keen daddio

my wife’s train broke down or killed some people again, i dunno, going to be 3 hours late and ensue like planes trains and automobiles. child is BOOOORED, but baby, im soooo tired.

hm, needs more power dots!!!

i can see jaw bones, no clothes, and a pizza pop in his tum tum

yeah, like they infer above, i think the ‘family’ might have bigger problems than cancer 20 years from now. oh well. i have yet to see an article on this story that delves any deeper.