dadpool 2099

This. From the opposite perspective - my mom definitely did have kids to give her life meaning (she explicitly told me “your brother and you are the reason I live” often throughout my childhood) and in a vain attempt to replace the love she didn’t get in childhood and/or from my abusive father. I’m in my 30s now and

Mother of one here and very much agree. However as a mother of a child with significant health issues I will say taking care of her does give me purpose, if not meaning. Making meaning in our lives takes effort, and it takes more effort when you have a child because you have less time for other things that also make

I have this argument a lot with my mother about the fact that I don’t particularly want children. She keeps telling me that children bring meaning to your life and I’m offended by the notion that otherwise my life would be meaningless. A lot of people have kids because they want to continue their bloodline or it’s

Good! Because people like that, through many years of other white people having let their racist behavior slide, live in the delusional world that ALL white people got their back!

Its hard to see people happy when you try to oppress them for 400 years, this Karen knows the game plan and hates it.

Because she doesn’t enjoy seeing black people have something to enjoy.

I don’t think “just do a cheap, half-assed TNG ripoff that tries to be kind of jokey for a while” would be the best advice.

But it’s not a comedy with lame fart jokes.

I always thought they could have done a spinoff called The Red Shirt Diaries, involving erotic encounters with hot aliens that always end fatally.

Didn’t they already show how it happens in Disco?

Handlen already hates it......

If they just want to rename themselves CBS: Star Trek, I would be okay with that.

Pike and Georgiou are both massive fan favorites. Seven of Nine is as well. Giving them their own shows is some major fan service and I will happily take it.

Viking Chads

On the one hand the return of instakills is great.

I feel like there should be an Avengers of greatest living humans, and this is Evans’ applying for membership.

In this scenario, Jimmy Carter is the Nick Fury...they’ve got Dolly Parton and Brian May on board...but are looking for some younger members to carry the torch...

Whiggly’s a troll, see here for examples of the act. No idea why he’s ungreyed on the Root, but anyway:

8Chan down again?

Well, well, well.