dadpool 2099

Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel about all the negativity about this show. I couldn’t get into Discovery, but I just figured it wasn’t for me. I couldnt’ get into Enterprise either, and only revisited Voyager years after. Hell, the majority or TNG episodes are poor to mediocre at best—-it’s just the two dozen or so

Look man, if you need all the dots connected for you, I dunno what to tell you other than that I get why you don’t like the show. It’s twenty years of history between getting 24 episodes a year for 7 years followed by four films. If you can’t fill in some of the blanks with your imagination based on what’s been shown,

Yeah I didn’t read either of them meaning romantic/sexual love. 

Capricious and harsh. The show’s fantastic, go enjoy it.

I think Handlen’s being overly harsh. It’s fine if he doesn’t like it, but his criticisms have basically come down to “it’s not how I would have done it”, “this is too different from classic Trek” and “this is too similar to classic Trek”.

I’d like to register a complaint about your complaining about people complaining about your complaints.

I’m with you on this completely, it seems Zack just wanted to see Picard potter about chatting to the old crew and maybe having the odd adventure, and claims that’s what the series promised to be, but I don’t think that’s true at all and the trailer made it out to be a very different beast.

I can’t say I’m surprised I

On the plus side, Red Velvet Regurgitation is my new speed metal band name.

On a side note, there’s a lot of production decisions that are amusing me every time I notice them - like Picard’s jacket having a similar cut to the First Contact-era uniforms, and that they’re using 3D printers as replicator props.

I guess part of the reason I’m enjoying this more than most is I didn’t go into it feeling like I was promised ‘a visit with old friends’. I knew there would be nostalgia and fan service, yes, and it is very effective as this episode shows. But what I was expecting, and wanting, was a new story in the Trek universe -

Perfectly put, thank you.

Yeah, I’m really enjoying it, and maybe that’s because I have a less rigid view of, “What Picard should be.”

The criticism with this show is strikingly similar to the criticism of the Star Wars sequels. “LUKE SKYWALKER WOULDN’T ACT THIS WAY!”

Well, there are exceptions: You forget the movie he was auditioning women for wearing nothing but his kimono:

“No Time to Die” sounds like the title of a Steven Seagal straight to video movie from 2 decade ago.

No Time to Pee

Can’t rebel against something if there’s nothing to rebel against. Palpatine out here playing that 4d chess.

No, that’s the type of game they would never even green-lit.

I’m surprised that it wasn’t a spaceship only spinoff.  You know... like X-Wing/TIE fighter kinda of game... That EVERYONE wants... cause that would seem exactly like the type of game that would get cancelled.
