
I just don’t know how she switches up from “ I’m so lucky I’m married now” to drunken sorority sophomore in like 2 episodes...... character commitment in the finest

These people are the product of being raised in what is functionally a religious cult.

*Why does Machete Guy’s girl keep getting out the car?

Ahh, a bit of Nielsen to send me home after a compliment from my boss. Looking forward to getting hit by that bus, because karma fucking sucks.

Double Dragon was my favorite arcade game.

It’s like that south park episode where Cartman sticks Butter’s penis in his mouth as joke.

Or let your kid go outside and get some exercise during the evening hours, so he doesn’t wake up to nightmares about Minecraft.

You are correct; so now here he is actually “pulling” his own horn...

i’m broke too...i should head over there so we can all comiskerate.

I can’t wait to check this film out. From this clip they sound more like prog metal mixed with a bit of hardcore, rather than grindcore, but ne’mind the hairsplitting or we’d be here all day. Either way it sounds like rockin’ good stuff.

This is probably the smallest threat shes had to face in Brazil in the last year.


There is some issues there. Those top circuits are getting/have gotten pretty warm.....

Let’s talk about the real disaster. This video was filmed in portrait mode.

I assume one upside is getting rid of your in-laws?

We live in a society where we want to push things like autonomous cars because people can’t take responsibility to operate a car by themselves. People want to push liability far away from them so they can sue when something goes wrong. It’s not a good reason, but it’s a reason why companies make money protecting

Before I can agree with you, we would need to establish certain definitions of terms.

I’ve never been to Fresno, nor am I an Astros fan, yet I own a Fresno Tacos hat. Tacos fucking rule, man.

I did. I was paired up with a girl from my class (my robot baby-mama) and we had to spend a week caring for it. Each of us had a key attached to our wrist with a supposedly tamper proof wristband, so no baby sitting or day care was available. Every morning, the baby was opened up to reveal it’s machine innards,

Nope. We had to take care of an egg.