
We had a talking parrot when I was a kid and they are so incredibly smart. He would yell “shut the door” whenever anyone left the house and learned to count in English and Spanish from watching Sesame Street with me. His language skills were incredible and he actually adapted and learned. My mom hated him and always

That’s Hercule Parrot. He’s a little Belgian.

The nazi’s used to do this in germany to stoke public support of their agenda. Head into territory where opposition was going to be on edge, get them into a tissy, and then incite violence with their rhetoric.

Well, for the past twenty-five years it’s as often been undercover police officers as real Black Bloc. We had an issue with them at Occupy and we shut that shit down hard.

The LA Times and SF Chronicle’s coverage of this event has been an absurd distortion of what really happened, which was thousands of ordinary people peacefully marching against racism. The minor scuffles that broke out towards the end were a non event, but are being portrayed as the main event. has

that’s not how the saying goes. at all.

the road to HELL is paved with good intentions.

“Antifa” isn’t a specific group.

Things were fine for the first 3 hours, with thousands marching and chanting and listening to speeches. Then about 100 antifa showed up dressed in black. At first they were marching & chanting, and then they led the masses in taking back MLK park/civic center. And theeeeen they decided they wanted to get in a

Dozens of anti-facists protesters, known as antifa, pounced when Joey Gibson, founder of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, showed up with his crew. Antifa protesters beat one man with a shield and another person wearing an American flag.


This is why white people need black friends. She could have learned about the warning signs a long time ago AND got hip to shea butter for those heels.

Fuckin—same sort of 7th grade story. Military kid, but we had to go “off base” from middle school on, and the base was in a...shitty school district. Resident wannabes tried to gang up on me and my buddy one day. I was a nerdy mess, but I was ~50lbs bigger than the average 13 year old, so there was a limited threat

Classic story!

“Other pitchers on the cusp of a no-hitter have been crushed in similar ways—Armando Galarraga, Pedro Martínez, and Harvey Haddix are here for you, Rich—but Hill’s defeat is particularly tough to swallow.”

You’ve got to hand it to those kids; they played with spirit and sportsmanship when most of us just would walla in our misery.

I think what she is highlighting is the creativity of taking everyday items like buckets, bubble blowers, and paint rollers and turning them into weapons in a shooter. Sure, guns in other games can feel good, but were else are you gonna have a stand-off between a bubble blower and a paint brush? (And have it be waaaay

I actually enjoyed the American Godzilla. If it wasn’t called Godzilla, it would have fared much better with monster movie lovers.

Grootzilla is looking a bit obeast.