I want to believe that so hard.
I want to believe that so hard.
Producer: Good God!
Its like Idol, its shown in 1 country first and then other companies buy the rights to use it in on tv in other countries, the easiest way to find out is going to smaller countries and checking out how they do it there, because they follow the exact same protocol as the main series almost every time, only its way…
Two years ago a friend of mine was giving a long speech over beers about how Nintendo hadn’t made a new franchise worth its salt in decades. I disagreed heartily and told him to borrow my Wii U and Splatoon for a few weeks to see what he was missing. He told me that, GUARANTEED, hed be returning it in two days after…
I hadn’t even considered this, but the plot thickens!
The New York legal community is in shock. Colleagues of mine who have argued before her said that she was an excellent judge.
...He proved the second half of that description true during today’s game against the Rays, in which he cracked a long roundtripper and nearly took Jumbo Diaz’s head off.
I keep a bag of lollipops in the filing cabinet near where they have to be quiet. In the event that it wasn’t a drill or went on for a really long time, everyone is getting something stuck in their mouths. You have no idea how much I hate that I have a plan for that scenario.
I teach second grade. They know something is very, very wrong. The kindergarteners will figure it out when they see how freaked out the older kids are. I doubt they know what happened, yet. But they are all going to find out that a teacher was killed.
I’m fucking tired of living in a country where the NRA has such a fucking stranglehold on our politicians that I have to be worried about my kid getting shot at school because there are so many fucking guns and such a culture of violence. And there is no end in sight.
Unfortunately, kids are way more perceptive than we give them credit for. Drills would help, sure but they are going to know the difference right away.
I work in education. These incidents are incredibly hard. Schools are supposed to be safe spaces, and this shit happens too often in general, but especially in schools.
I let my 1 year old play with my PS3 controller the other day thinking she couldn’t do any damage since I don’t play it or really care about the saves any more.
When asked to comment on the Fenway fumigation news, Bob Uecker said they were a Pesky strain of germs.
These players should have known Goodell would want in on a strongarm competition.
The contest took place at the MGM Hotel and Casino, and the league’s gambling policy prohibits players from appearing at promotional events at casinos.
One old trick: Dip the sweat stained parts in vodka for a few minutes. It won’t actually clean anything, but the smell will go.
At my first “real” job I had a cubicle and a bunch of huge data books that were 3-inch ring binders. I also had a huge pleather office chair. I used to set the binders up like I was reading them (lol they were just full of numbers), turn my chair so I was facing a corner and then fall asleep sitting up. No one ever…
Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.