Detroit was so dumb to sign him to that contract and so smart to trade him away.
Detroit was so dumb to sign him to that contract and so smart to trade him away.
Video truther BOOOOO get out of here!
From an advanced stats point of view, wouldn’t it be better if Jimmy Butler, Rajon Rondo, and Dwyane Wade were fused together with science so that they weren’t three players but one player and instead of ending in normal human feet, Jimmy Butler’s legs ended in the tops of Rondo and Wade’s skulls so that Rondo and…
I don’t like IPAs because they taste like battery acid. I WAS FIRST ON THE HATING IPAS BANDWAGON
Not 1, not 2, not 3 but a whole bunch of motherfuckers.
Well, his coach did tell him to be Sharper in the field.
The man is throwing children over 16 foot fences into yards and garages? He’s throwing children AT children in sandboxes?
Of course the Cardinals would use telegrams, the scrappiest and grittiest form of communications.
For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.
It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.
god damn what a punch by Rougned Odor
Why not? Your mom stayed up with us too.
Joe may be gone but his legacy lives on.
As a Nats fan, I can fully support this comment.
Cardinal fans don’t want the accussed actions of a few to represent all of them. “Most of us are classy enough to call him the n-word in the privacy of our home around only friends and family.”
I didn’t, so I’m fine with this.
7-11 and 9-11 are two very different issues involving Saudis overstaying their visas.
We get it Vin. You did a lot of coke in your day.
If you think guys like Wilt and Russell would be “rotational” in today’s NBA, you’re nuts.
I was frustrated to the point of tears by the local and national media's shameful, abhorrent coverage of the death of Sean Taylor, especially in the immediate aftermath, when Taylor was presented to the public as an agent of his own demise, apparently by virtue of the fact that he was a young black man who went to the…