daddy dearest

I guess assholes don’t live forever

The worst part of Kaepernick’s protest is that we have to listen to moron sport commenters talk about social issues

Now that’s some bullshit

This would also likely have made it so my father would not have become fans of these two teams. Then “generously” passing it on to me to thoroughly “enjoy” for the rest of my life.

If you squint you can almost see how a moron on the level of Ryan Lochte would see it the way he did

Thats something everyone can enjoy

Tough coach to please

Fuck I liked Rex too

This is killing my boner

God bless Sandy Alderson

“A billionaire using public funds to construct a private playground for the rich and powerful.”

I’ve always pronounced your name “Margary” when pimping an article of yours. Today I realized there was no R. I’m still going with Margary.

You got me to click on the original story and click again when it was updated. Savvy move

Hahhahahahaha....Brown’s coach Mike Pettine

Most likely Goodell or something

Hot take alert