Lord Coders the Forever Grey

Not my district but it is my state. There isn’t much these days that makes me proud to be from Michigan but this, Whitmer, all of our proposals passing, and (fingers crossed) replacing Bishop with Slotkin makes me pretty damn happy.

You made it to the end? I’ve never heard of this book before but the preview on Amazon had me teary in 2 pages. After regaining my composure I immediately ordered the whole book.

I’m so sorry. I’m a professional lurker but dog stories like yours always compel me to both comment and cry because I like dogs so much more than people. I wish you and Zoe the best.

This GIF is my life for the last 100 days or so.

Pretty much every time I post anything online. Lucky/Unlucky for me I’m mostly a lurker and permagray here. That said I enjoy you comments when I do read them so I wouldn’t worry if I were you.

London is amazing for sure but I would recommend getting out into the rest of England if you can. Even taking a couple of days to go north and visit Scotland is worth your time. I rarely comment so I wasn’t one of the one’s that encouraged you to solo travel in the beginning but I’m glad that you did. It is such an

Living alone is amazing even after great roommates. I had the pleasure of living all by my lonesome for about a year before I had a friend who’s relationship fell apart and moved in. We’re still super close but there are times when I resent the fact that there is another human in my space. I secretly look forward

The Bannonality of evil one could say.

I agree with your assessment. Unfortunately I can’t feel sorry for a man that is obviously miserable and in over his head when he is in charge of my country.

Starred for quoting Robert. I love that man.

We need to march as often as we can organize. Remind him that his “government of the people” does not actually represent the people.

My faith in Julian is less than my faith in Donald. Also, fuck them both.

As some one who has been newly radicalized by the insanity of this new administration, I say we should protest as often as we can.

I like where your head is at but the end result is a Mike Pence presidency. That is an even more terrifying prospect to me. 

I can give him a chance, mostly because I have to. That doesn’t mean I won’t be screaming my head off when he does ridiculous things. So, basically whenever he opens his mouth.

What would they even tell you? Donate 90% of your income to the church and your closest regressive asshole politician?

I’m sorry you had to grow up that way. I can honestly say that I am happy my dad isn’t around to see what is happening. This sentiment is shared by the startling amount of his old, white, male friends that I ran into at our local Women’s March yesterday.

I was literally going to respond with you username. You sir or madam are brilliant!

Scrolling though the NYT photo collection I saw a handful of people in Saint Joseph. One of my best friends lives there working for the one major company in town (I’m sure you are aware of said company’s name) but also happens to have been born in Vietnam and came here as a child. From stories I hear regarding him and

If only they would have started doing this months/years ago. I pains me to see what journalism is becoming.