Sí, lo pagaremos con perro coin.
Sí, lo pagaremos con perro coin.
Not dumb. Just telling 9 yr old level lies.
Fun fact: Eating even small amounts of deli meat increases risks of colorectal cancer, probabluy stomach and brest cancer too... Another nail in porcessed meat’s coffin. I like cured ham and eat it sometimes as well as bacon, as for sausages, salami and other processed meats, I avoid them actively.
You clearly are not paying enough attention to crypto markets: your bullshit detector is working. Please resume uncritical ingestion, an make the c-bros happy.
Yes , the pictures from Korea, Vietnam, Irak and Afghanistan among others tell a story of not much pacification happening....
Creo que no hay ninguna constitución que defina a su modo de gobierno como Oligarquia. Tampoco la de EU.
Also a married man cannot be sexist because duh! And having a black, gay or jewish friend gets you an immunity card. Discrimination solved!
The dream allies for any fascist leader...
Guilty as charged, I’ve seen most seasons of SVU (not anynore though) , and John Oliver is mostly right. “... a propagandized hero-washed version of the truth...”
I am trying to wean off watching cop shows, which are propaganda to make police appear like decent everyday people. They are not. They are thugs with a badge, with zero accountability as this story and many others show.
Not wanting to die off in the cradle by burning it with most (all) people in it does seem counterintuitive.
Haitians may have been happier if they had been straght up “ abandoned” as you say. However after gaining their independence , they were forced to pay “reparations” to the French slaveholders for more than a hundred years (untill 1947) about 20-30 billions of today’s money. Abuse upon abuse.
Rigorous control of people and bodies is an integral part of football coaching. Its hardly a surprise that it should spill out into controlling bodily autonomy of gestating people.
And lets not forget the poachers are doing at the bidding of some asshole millionaire that just has to have an elephants foot as a bench in his trophy room. Indigenous people on their own are as a rule very good at conserving the natural habitats where they live.
Fool me once...
Bible reference, check.
How about kids suing for their parent’s addiction to facebook or instagram. A lot of parents have their eyes on screens while kids are playing around them.
Your take is generous bordering on naïve. There is a long history of POC have being compared to monkeys and animal in a derogatory way (by white people). In that context, even if scientifically accurate: we humans are primates, a teacher should know better than to show a picture of a black political figure as an…
This. And also inconsistent with small government and state intervention in business and economic matters. They are closeted commies.
For a moment I hoped that this was meant to make people in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Irak, Libia or Palestine be less threatened.... I guess those threats from drone attacks remain.