
They are detecting elements with the Laser Spectroscope, so it might have been bauxite before it was lasered to plasma.

I concur. I have yet to see CSAM or NCII content on mastodon.social. No, I have not actively looked for it and yes there most probably is some, won’t test.

If you claim to support the LGBT community and you don’t, ditching her at the precise moment Dylan needed, well support, then you are, as a company, not living up to your commitment. There is a contract part of the exchange, enforceable by law, but it does not describe the whole relationship. You can get married,

500 people died this week when their boat sank off Greece, not millionaires. There was less grief and sympathy for them, who boarded a dangerous ship for important reasons.

Unless you are a big prepper and own a huge house and are unwilling to install solar or other independent means to get energy, you will never need 180 kWh. A 20-25kWh battery should get you going in a mid-sized house for a few days without sun.

Its the standard response to crimes being commited, and the question of fairness just seems to arise when a privileged white mother is concerned, countless mothers go to prison every day for petty theft to feed a family. That said prison is a one size fits all response to people who have acted against society. It is

I think you might be misguided by the fact that the 3 children have long hair in the photo. Both boys and girls have had long hair in different cultures at different times, only recently has the freedom of length been policed.

Another example of how rich people live by different rules… A poorer registered sex offender would have a hard time even finding a place to live, Epstein had mansions to spare and lend. His privilege also spared him from doing jail time, and every person associating with him should have been aware of that. Meeting

I think in their conservative heads “ have sex and procreate” is the male, active part, and breeding refers to women’s (female’s?) traditional role in reproduction. And the subversion part is questioning these gender assigned roles. Just a guess on Beavis and Butthead uninformed “opinions”.

The sad fact of this story is that onlookers enforce the respect of  birth privileges, chanting “ LET HER IN!” . Celebrity culture sure does help aristocracy endure.

I am baffled by how hype and confidence, plus the young tech CEO halo, can push ROI hungry investors into throwing millions to non-solutions to problems.Nobody at JP Morgan took second look at the data befor writing the$125 millon check. All this after the Theranos-Holmes.

Tax the rich. Then tax them again because they will have eluded/evaded most of it the first time. The richer people are, the less the philanrophy/charity model works.

Also, Musk is on track to destroying the myth of innate the superiority of the self made billionaire, and shaking meritocracy hmm... merits to the core. When you add that to the current slo-mo crumbling of the crypto world with self-made media darling geniuses at the helm... The pillars of capitalism are shaking.

Fun fact: Eating even small amounts of deli meat increases risks of colorectal cancer, probabluy stomach and brest cancer too... Another nail in porcessed meat’s coffin. I like cured ham and eat it sometimes as well as bacon, as for sausages, salami and other processed meats, I avoid them actively.

Creo que no hay ninguna constitución que defina a su modo de gobierno como Oligarquia. Tampoco la de EU.

Also a married man cannot be sexist because duh! And having a black, gay or jewish friend gets you an immunity card. Discrimination solved!

The dream allies for any fascist leader...

Guilty as charged, I’ve seen most seasons of SVU (not anynore though) , and John Oliver is mostly right. “... a propagandized hero-washed version of the truth...

I am trying to wean off watching cop shows, which are propaganda to make police appear like decent everyday people. They are not. They are thugs with a badge, with zero accountability as this story and many others show.

Haitians may have been happier if they had been straght up “ abandoned” as you say. However after gaining their independence , they were forced to pay “reparations” to the French slaveholders for more than a hundred years (untill 1947) about 20-30 billions of today’s money. Abuse upon abuse.