
I mostly agree, apart from protein powder. It is processed “food”. Refined sugar, refined proteins, refined salt, refined vitamins while you are at it...You are losing so much when you eat only the part that scientist were able to grossly characterise in the 19th and early 20th century. The whole is more than the sum

The inverse is also remarkable, the macho- authoritarian lead countries: US with Trump, Brazil with Bolsonaro and the UK with Boris Johnson have been the worst performing in their respective continents  all waiting for Boris Yeltsin to join them. They are incapable of dealing with reality based problems that need

I mostly agree with opinologia.( Mexican man here)

I think you forgot about the moral compass that said destabilizing other countries, training death squads and exporting violence was OK.

Congrats on your new Monarchy.

The degree of selfishness from HD drivers is even more astounding than the noise these monsters make. Good riddance, Harleys are the more annoying vehicles around.  

Again. Eat the rich ( plus this one might be really tasty). 

Really? In my city (Mexico city) a bike on the city sistem is the only means of transport that can get me reliably somewhere within 5 miles ( the max I will pedal) there are rental e-scooters that can get me further, not always faster with little effort. Metro and buses can take me further reliably in off-peak hours.(

If you weren’t aware, the “OK sign” has been co-opted by the coalition of the unseasoned

I guess we in the rest of the world should also be very wary of any US sourced social media ( fb, insta...) as our economic interests and security will be in the hans of a foreign company-power. Thank you for the heads up.

When you remove earwax, guess what your ear does? More wax.

I would like to think that instead of slapping an electric motor into such an outdated tech, we could take this moment to rethink the model.For anyone with a pair of eyes, the car is a technology that is incredibly wasteful: not even considering obsolescence,cars are not in use 95 % of the time, need parking space

Serves us right. We follow the ups and downs of people whose sole merritts is being born on the “right” place. Disappointement shouldn’t be a surprise. Behead Zombie institutions.

“I wish I had censored that word—it came out without thought.” 😉 I see what she did there... Still making a point about her first amendment rights... 

Any chance these Lasers are effective on civilian populations? Asking for several friendly countries.

Many people clutching their oil barrel necklace here. Most carbon intensive industries have dumped and dump their externalities on society...True and fair capitalist should pay those costs. Reflecting those costs might develop other ways of doing business that are not so carbon intensive, might develop other forms of