
Really? In my city (Mexico city) a bike on the city sistem is the only means of transport that can get me reliably somewhere within 5 miles ( the max I will pedal) there are rental e-scooters that can get me further, not always faster with little effort. Metro and buses can take me further reliably in off-peak hours.(

If you weren’t aware, the “OK sign” has been co-opted by the coalition of the unseasoned

- “It’s 1500 jobs vs 25,000”: The 25,000 jobs figure was a 10-20 year fantasy # from Amazon, not a promise or agreement. In exchange for that lack of commitment, they wanted billions of public $. Their Y1 jobs projection was 700" AOC. New York didn't have to pay a penny to get 700 jobs initially. Instead, Amazon is

I do not see a sloth crossing the road, I see a the sloth's home cut in two by a road. 

Developped or not. You have less public spaces ( you do have privately owned malls but they don’t count) you had commie witch hunts that dismembered organized labor. The cult of individuality,free enterprise and belief in trickle down economics plus idolatry of “job creators” make you think you live in some type of per

Right around the time TV dulled everyone I guess. 

I think you wanted to write 29,2 or perhaps 30 very heavy African Elephants, ( they can reach 6 metric tonnes)

I guess we in the rest of the world should also be very wary of any US sourced social media ( fb, insta...) as our economic interests and security will be in the hans of a foreign company-power. Thank you for the heads up.

When you remove earwax, guess what your ear does? More wax.

I would like to think that instead of slapping an electric motor into such an outdated tech, we could take this moment to rethink the model.For anyone with a pair of eyes, the car is a technology that is incredibly wasteful: not even considering obsolescence,cars are not in use 95 % of the time, need parking space

Serves us right. We follow the ups and downs of people whose sole merritts is being born on the “right” place. Disappointement shouldn’t be a surprise. Behead Zombie institutions.

Everyone in the gig economy should be unio ized. Across countries. They will. Keep abusing is if not. The other is developing decentralized and peer to peer ways of working that are not top down. We will keep loosing to the internet otherwise. 

“I wish I had censored that word—it came out without thought.” 😉 I see what she did there... Still making a point about her first amendment rights... 

Any chance these Lasers are effective on civilian populations? Asking for several friendly countries.

Capitalism cheating again at its own game. Monopolies (and oligopolies) run against the central tenants, but again, here we are. Consumers will loose, billionaires will billion.