I like how even in a movie where the child-molesting teacher is a woman, she still manages to wind up as the victim.
I like how even in a movie where the child-molesting teacher is a woman, she still manages to wind up as the victim.
I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?
As a male sports fan I prefer Oliver to Andrews but I wish they got rid of all the side line reporters. They add very little to the broadcast and a lot of it is information or anecdotes that no one is interested in.
Heehee. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing Gawker Media in general and Jezebel in particular get called out on their hypocrisy.
wait, didn't you guys to the same?
So in all my medical training, I have to say the most gruesome, barbaric thing has to be vaginal birth. It was actually more harrowing that bowel dissection day in the cadaver lab. It is a goddamn miracle that our species is able to perpetuate, considering what women go through to bear children. This is not hyperbole…
Bagels and fixins are still good. :)
Bad enough the woman's got to be there, why inflict that psychic pain on a completely different gender?
All women are beautiful...
A gay man showering with a bunch of straight men is nothing like a straight man showering with women. Maybe it would be if we lived in some kind of alternate universe where gay men were constantly sexually assaulting and degrading straight men, but until that happens, you need to get the hell out of here with that.
Its really not that hard to apply appropriate blockers for your kid on both the smartphone and the ipad. ( And dont even get me started on why any child between 6-16 even needs a damn phone in the first place) And yes, you check their browsing history daily. I think it is totally understandable that the kids want to…
I dunno, if someone bothered to tell me "I'm bisexual, but I'm married and I intend on staying in a monogamous relationship." I'd think it was an odd thing for them to bother saying to me, unless the context of a conversation made it relevant (i.e. someone said "I don't believe bisexuality is a real thing" or…
It didn't read like he was freaking out. The direct quote is that he thinks it would be "irrelevant" to come out to close friends and family.
Exactly. My therapist asked me once if I felt deprived because I was bisexual and monogamous (not that I wouldn't be open to other arrangements given the right circumstances), and my response was: "no less deprived than two straight people in a marriage". Yes, I still fantasize about ladies, but I'm sure he still…
Except, you know, he isn't freaking out in the least.
I have just realized that I am actually meant to be an author, but I don't plan on ever writing anything ever. I just wanted you to know that.
Hey guys, I want to tell you about this thing I feel, but never ever plan on acting on just so you can think more or less of me than you do now depending on how open you are about these sort of things!
Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?
Nothing will scare a male audience away faster than hearing "We Need to Talk". No good ever follows those four words.