Just a quick note that on Google Play and iOS, it’s called Vampire: Prelude.
Just a quick note that on Google Play and iOS, it’s called Vampire: Prelude.
I completely agree. Zemo’s entire plan hinged on every major intelligence agency on the planet looking at a blurry picture of Zemo in a Bucky mask and going “Yup, that’s Bucky alright, no further investigation necessary.” I loved Civil War, but c’mon, it was a stupid plan that we were expected to hand wave into…
Hal Jordan makes giant punching gloves and slaughtered the entire Corps. Kyle Rayner makes complex mechs and single handedly rebuilt the entire Corps. Fight me.
Yeah … I hate to be an elitist asshole about stuff like this, because I understand comics are a black hole when it comes to trying to understand lore, histories, retcons, crossovers, multiverse variations, and all the blah blah blah that can bury characters into obscurity and make learning about these characters a…
My daughter’s name is Cortana. It was actually my wife’s idea lol, I just ran with it while the running was good. So yeah, we get ya.
Absolutely. The ever popular “I’m obviously in extreme and immediate danger, but I feel the need to speak my internal monologue out loud in an expositional manner!”
Perfect, lol.
God yes. Just to see Red Skull’s face when he realizes “SHIT, he’s better at this than me, and it’s MY OWN FAULT.”
Alex Ross is so good at treating ridiculous images really seriously. It’s like watching The Dark Knight, but everyone is wearing their respective costumes from the 70's.
Holy shit dude, lol
Holy crap, this. I’ve lived in 3 states and driven in dozens of cities, and I’ve never been so angry, scared, or confused as when I lived in San Antonio. Blinkers are non existent, no one merges correctly, people will drift lanes or drive on the lines, others drive the wrong way as you mentioned, half the cars are…
Yeah, I was super confused. The whole Milky Way is only about 100,000 light years across lol.
I’m in the live and let live crowd as well, though not a fan of the look. But others have pointed out that he does in fact drive the car on public roads, based on other videos of his. So at least in this specific instance, I don’t really have a problem with the negative attention. He needs to understand that “because…
Nope. Typos are just a bitch. Fuck me, right?
Ah, ok, thank you for elaborating. However, it looks like you two are saying the same thing, and this may just be a misunderstanding regarding how it was said. “Feeds off” is an idiom which means to eat something, and does not mean to feed it. For example; “The wolf feeds off the sheep’s carcass.” = “The wolf eats the…
Yeah, pardon my ignorance, but I’m not seeing anything where the two of you disagree in the quote you referenced. From what my underpowered mind could gather, you said reality was the opposite of what she wrote then proceeded to say the same thing she did but with more detail. If I’m incorrect, could you elaborate to…
He has anxiety issues and can’t handle living with a stranger. He lives with me so we can share costs and help each other. *shrugs*
I do see what comment you’re referring to, but I was referring to their original comment. However, having said that and after re-reading their original comment, they didn’t really make a blanket statement there either, simply stating that $16/hr was good money for some. I guess I maybe projected a bit as I make…
No shit. I make over $22/hr and am not in poverty or anything, but definitely not wiping my ass with $100 bills. My brother makes $16/hr and lives with me because he can’t afford his own apartment without a roommate and he can’t do that right now. $16/hr is good money if you’re single with no kids and live with your…
My wife and I went to see the reboot of Evil Dead when it came out, at an 11:45pm showing, and in the row in front of us was a mother and father with three kids, all under 8, I would say. They left within 5 minutes of the movie starting. The opening scene, if you haven’t seen it, is a woman tied to a support beam in a…