
I really align with this. I’m not an idiot, I understand these movies have flaws, some of them quite serious. But I don’t understand why that 1) makes them the shittiest, most offensive to the eyes, ignorant movies ever, if the internet is to be believed, or 2) why it means I can’t like them anyway. Look, it’s just a

Supes v Black Adam would be just awesome. Have the JLA (or just Supes) defeat him, then have a teaser to set up Shazam. I dunno, something like showing Bats give Supes a report from some recent snooping he’s done after the Black Adam incident, Supes looking confused for a second, then almost afraid. Bats: “I think

Lol, it was vicariously cathartic.

Holy shit this sums it up so well.

Yeah, your comment summed it up nicely for me. The man’s only crimes that I can personally see are that he is bad at clearly conveying his feelings and he lacks tact. That describes half my friend group. It’s nowhere near “6,000 comments of outrage” bad, IMO. I don’t even understand this.

My god, yes. I was born and grew up in AZ, but live in TX. Give me AZ summer over TX summer any day. AZ = Oh man, it’s so hot. I better step into the shade where it’s 20 degrees cooler. TX = Why are my lungs full of fluid and why can’t I GET AWAY FROM THIS STICKY HEAT AHHHHHH

“This is a woman who fist-fought Doomsday.”

Yeah, I live in a quiet neighborhood where I can creep along without much worry of backing up traffic, and people recognize my car so they don’t call the cops on me, and if I keep it about 10mph it’ll register.

They’re SO worried.

It’s definitely distance. You can see the prints decrease in number as you get closer when you single out a ‘mon.

I really REALLY wish I was around more people like you. I don’t care if someone hates something I like. I’m not one of those. I liked BvS, because I cut it a lot of slack and enjoyed it for what it was without expecting something that was never promised to me. But the sheer level of hatred and vitriol is almost to the

Feel free to share the most memorable time someone puked all over you in the comments.

Someone referenced the Man of Steel movie?

You’re right about the Forerunners building stars. Halo 4 even has a multiplayer map played on a “harmonic resonator” with flavor text while you’re waiting for it to load that says something like “harmonic resonators like this one are crucial to maintain artificial stars.”

So what’s funny to me is that yours is the only post I’ve seen so far that hasn’t reached one way or the other to make it a huge political move, and just actually presents a valid explanation based on relevant and *current* information from the modern comic, and you haven’t received a single reply. I feel like people

I would actually watch that. As in, pay dollars I worked for and go to a theater.

Yes, the Mazdaspeed 3 is a turbocharged performance variant of the Mazda 3.

Seriously, why is this hard to understand?

This guy gets it.