I “attacked” him by stating a fact?
I “attacked” him by stating a fact?
Watching an angry “populist” leader gain power because he managed to rile people up with scapegoating minorities for the country’s problems while simultaneously empowering an enforcement agency with little oversight to carry out actions against said minorities? Yep, totally slept through that part. #MAGA
It bugs me that this could have so easily been explained away.
You and I were watching very different movies.
Because of reasons the writers could waste time making up but I’d rather they spent that time not catering to people who don’t know how to suspend their disbelief while watching a movie about space wizards with laser swords.
You are right. Nobody should ever talk about anything that has ever been discussed elsewhere! Quality commenting!
There really isn’t a good reason for you to be acting like such a chode about this man
Oh no, force me to spend $6 and be treated to unlimited shitty, delicious mac & cheese pizza. Fuck you, fuck all of you. Cici’s rules.
Well, it’s the definition of xenophobia, and also of anecdotal evidence, so, that. All racists will use anecdotes like “a black kid beat me up in middle school once” when defending ideas like “all black people are violent,” or, in your case, “all Hispanics are liars.” I’m not erasing your experience by letting you…
I think 19 year old me was the worst. God. I’m so lucky I still have any friends from that time. They were probably just as bad...
Despite your name, you are not even remotely “woke.” And you seem to possess no qualities of a “Lady.”
“They are not fighting for your right to speak Spanish. They are fighting for your right to speak American.”
That isn’t an argument based on the degree to which speaking languages other than English may be distracting —- that is an argument grounded in xenophobic, nationalist garbage.
For me, being a monolingual English-speaker is a huge limitation for my career. The solution is that *I* should make an effort to revive my Spanish-language skills and improve upon them.
If one thinks it seems dishonest to be speaking another language when someone else is around, only that person is distracting themselves - with ignorance.
From the article: “Could the secretary of defense refuse to carry out a presidential order for a nuclear attack? The legal and constitutional aspects are not clear. The official doctrine that has been released says nothing about this question, and the cryptic public responses to official inquiries, even from Congress,…
When a car kills 60 people and injures 500 more I’ll be all over it. You idiot.
LOL, wrong tree. I'm not sure I even OWN one of those. You three are just scummy people.
Wait, so he busted her trying to cheat because he was trying to cheat, and then you still hooked up with her after that?