
The rich already pay a large portion of taxes. Now, if you want to get into whether the tax code is fair or not, I would definitely say it’s not, across the board. I would be much more in favor of a flat tax with tax exemptions for people who are at or slightly above the poverty income level, and no upper cap on taxed

I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.

Kevin James is like Joe Rogan and Adam Sandler had a baby.

As someone who abhors Donald Trump and everything he stands for: it’s sentiments like yours that have given rise to Donald Trump. Offhandedly dismissing entire swaths of citizens allows a know-nothing huckster like Trump to thrive.

Not just the NFL. Sports commentators and sports-talk jocks also think this. Because, in their mind, Newton has it coming for running on every down instead of simply taking the sack like every other quarterback.

Only the NFL would think that seeing the most dynamic player in the league get head-targeted and laid out flat would be “working as intended.” If we pretend concussions don’t happen we can’t get sued for it later! Roger Goodell, everyone!

I know you know better, but right now Gary Johnson is polling at ~9%. And that’s happening in an environment where 3rd party voters are being vilified, a va-emptively blamed, shamed, and generally intimidated into not “throwing away their vote” by both the public at large (aka Hillary supporters) and the media, and

It does nothing because people have been taught that it does nothing, because many State laws make it difficult to impossible for third party candidates to run for ANY office and because it costs an estimated $100 million to win a presidential election.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Ophthalmologist: Something wrong?

This might be the first time I’ve liked both sides of an argument equally.

In response to the Redskins’ inflexible defense, the Giants are working on something they call a blanket offense.

  • The Judge
  • The Judge

You don’t think the Broncos defense bears some of the responsibility? I haven’t seen one person say that so far, so apparently as a group we don’t think so. Do you feel that it’s legit for players to do whatever they can get away with and it’s not on them when they damage someone? I’ve wondered about this a lot as a

11. Games now lasting 3.5 to 4 hours.

Ten reasons I’m sick of the NFL, and it has nothing to do with age and experience:

Here was a particularly phony and dishonest line of argument, which went basically unchallenged by The Ringer’s reporter (emphasis mine):

Dear Mr. Magary........................................ ^

That Talib clip from the SB is awful. Why that wasn’t an ejectable offense is beyond me. Maybe the ref was afraid he’d get shot too.

God, that fumble. I defended the shit out of that, I defended the press conference, I defended everything about Cam Newton after he lost that game. I defended him because 90% of the people I knew attacking him were using every ounce of their self-control to not use the word “uppity.” But goddamn, that is indefensible.