
Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.

Right now Harley has bought themselves time to figure out how to proceed, but that is all they have done. Unless they have a plan beyond this, then they are KMart-ing themselves. You’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s yourself, you just ain’t wanting to see it.

Keeping on pulling out of other markets, is called a staged retreat. Eventually run out of markets to retreat from. Selling fewer but for more means that eventually you run out of people to sell to entirely. It is not a viable long term business strategy. It is what a company in terminal decline does. Focus on your

Well that depends on a lot of factors. Bonds are higher up than current equity. So it really depends on what the enterprise value is when BK is declared, if they restructure and how that is set up. I don’t know how CVNA is set up from a capital structure so hard to say anything. But with bonds you are least have a

I’ll address the HD comment. The problem is that the HD truck segment is meant for Heavy Duty use. But the manufacturers market them to everyone. The folks who need HD trucks (like my local arborist, dude moves heavy equipment) and use them aren’t in the majority. Yes, that arborist also uses that truck as his daily

Saw the headline, assumed you were leaving.

Sorry you are not getting your money’s worth on this free site. 

Seems like a clear recitation of the facts. Hardly an ‘opinion piece’. I’m sorry you don’t understand how legislation is introduced and passed. Take a civics course, I’m sure you’re local college offers an introductory one.

We found one of the truckers with bad language comprehension skills!

tEaRiNg DoWn StAtUeS oF fOuNdInG fAtHeRs!

You really wanna go there bud? First of all, its not the statues of founding fathers being torn down. Its confederate statues. As a native southerner who’s family actually fought on the side of the confederacy, those statues are not worth the pot metal they are made out of.

 And of course I bet you are like most

Yes, you could make a rival NFT of the item. Think of an NFT as a souvenir of something - the thing itself remains untouched, but you can make as many souvenirs of it as you want. With souvenirs, some are worth more than others: a souvenir of the pyramids bought at the pyramids is probably, all else being equal, worth

Never heard that, which is funny b/c I thought I’d heard all the racist terms out there; guess not.

Slide 4: “Any wheel where the number of spokes is not evenly divisible by the number of visible lugs.”

That scorn you’re heaping on a perfectly competent compact car may make for satisfying copy, but it’s totally besides the point. Yes, it’s beige, just like a Corolla or a Civic or a Camry. And it’s functional, doing what the people who buy it want it to do. Crossovers are basic transportation with a little extra

It sells because it’s a bargain. It prices out cheaper than a civic once you add a sunroof (sunroofs are always a trim level lower on crossovers than sedans) and you can fit a washing machine in the back with the seats folded down, which you cannot do in a civic. I know it’s fun to bag on crossovers but you basically

Maybe.... but I dont own a 700 million dollar yacht or a 7000 dollar yacht. So that will get filed in my “ less than zero fucks given” folder. 

Fighting for justice around who you were born as, for social and racial equality is in no way the same thing as a bunch of racists, homophobes, anti-semites, islamaphobes, facsists, xenophobes, anti-government types disrupting people. People using Children as human shields!!!!

Two things can be believed at once:

You never saw Dazed and Confused?