It’s just the game they play. People stroke their outrage boners and actors have to watch the spurts and apologize for the stains.
It’s just the game they play. People stroke their outrage boners and actors have to watch the spurts and apologize for the stains.
Nope, you haven’t convinced me. Do better. It stops there for me. You can continue chasing ghosts and goblins of outrage, but I’m done.
I get the evolution of concern here.
There was a time, within our great-grandparents’ lives, where white actors wore blackface. When that phased out, they still had white guys playing Asians, within our grandparents’ lifetimes (John Wayne as Genghis Khan; Mickey Rooney as whatever the fuck that was in Breakfast At…
What’s hilarious is that Ben Stiller went out of his way to really talk about the Downey character, pre-screened it for African-American groups, discussed it with African-American leaders, made sure Brandon T. Jackson had his say...
And then got HAMMERED by the Special Olympics for a throwaway line.
I’m going to quote Yoda:
Sake, for fucking fuck’s.
Fucking Martha again, wasn’t it?
Why? Does Cenac want another ass-kicking?
Once again:
Get a map of North America.
Throw a dart at it
Find the nearest decent-sized TV market
Hold auditions among the news, weather and sports TV and radio personalities. Go out of your way to make sure women and persons of color are represented in the interviews.
This isn’t hard. No game show host should be famous…
Oh whatever. Gold digger
Or maybe we’ve devolved
Oy, she seems like a lot
And he even managed to spell his name correctly, which is more than you guys did.
Hi, have you met the Internet?
Just can’t get past Luis Guzman. Won’t get past Luis Guzman. You can’t make me get past Luis Guzman.
I just can’t with this any longer.
Throw a dart at a map of North America. Pick the nearest TV market to wherever it lands and go audition the weatherperson, morning news host and sports gooberhead. Best one gets the job.
Who is going to pay for Clive Owen’s therapist? He looks hideous in this.
It has long been established that Iron Man 2, Thor and Incredible Hulk take place within the same week. It was even a short, “Fury’s Wild Week.”
Game Show Hosts are supposed to be weatherpersons or news readers or harmless radio types with pleasant voices and not-bad looks. They didn’t pull Trebek out of some luncheon for multiple Nobel Prize winners who were getting awards for saving puppies. He was a Canadian TV dude.
Just find some rando who fits that…
I stopped watching after Jim and Pam found out they were pregnant. Anything happen?
Oh, you sweet summer child, have you met the Internet? I’m just surprised we’re letting Tobey back in the world.