
After careful investigation, we determine that when she said “Bork,” for the fourth time, she may have been expressing discomfort with the events as they were progressing.

My recollection of Coulter from that era was that she had a little bit of game. She hadn’t yet been devoured from within by Zuul. So, I’m fine with Smulders on this.

I am NOT  fine with Clive Owen’s career. Can we go back in time, right before he signs on to be King Arthur, and slap him upside his head so he takes

They said bork to each other a lot and we think that may imply consent, but it is hard to tell

OK, so who’s back did he come on that he had to go away for a little bit?

You should have taken Bond, Clive. Now you’re doing crap like this

Which idiot are you again? I have so many following me around. Look, you seem nice and all, but I’m not going to let you touch my special place.

When time travel is invented, I’m going to go back and find the first person who used “necessary/unnecessary” or “inessential/essential” as descriptors for pop culture or art and smack them in the head repeatedly until they repent.


Right. This will be:

Scarlett’s lawyers: “We lost $50 million thanks to your shenanigans”
Disney’s lawyers: “We think you only lost $10 million. We’ll write that check now.”
SLs: “Nah, it’s closer to $40 million.”
DLs: “Look, don’t make us put out the e-mails where she said she wanted to play Shang-Chi”
SLs: “And don’t

No matter what the overheated rubes of the Internet think, it is far more likely Johansson plays Natasha again - flashback, time travel goofiness, timeline shenanigans, whatever - than it is she is done with Disney forever and ever.

You an expert on the percentages in her contract? 

Exactly. Guarantee that for the right project/salary, she’s working for the Mouse again. Hell, that could be part of the settlement, funding of some vanity project she’s got. Maybe she wants to play Simone Biles or something.

Trying to find it now and not having luck, but I don’t think this is an entirely new concept. I know I remember Alan Alda and maybe Loretta Swit and others suing because syndication had messed with their M*A*S*H residuals.

Anyway, the answer to all of the questions is money. No bridge is ever burned if there is enough

Team Renner. Team Hawkeye. Team Budapest.

Or... Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton play young Hans and Simon Gruber. Make it so.

Which one was the one where Timothy Olyphant had to take the role to pay the mortgage on the house he bought right before Deadwood was canceled?

It’s cute how you think the MCU balloon just got popped.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “I’ve got this movie with Antonio Banderas coming out! That’ll show you!”

Well, it has brings toffee and caramel on the nose and then a really subtle mouth feel of baking spices and has a delightful finish of fuck you.

Team Murray