
Yeah, Monkey Boy is afraid he won’t get work.

Oh, fuck this guy. The monkey was a stupid idea and he should be glad he earned a paycheck.


I get your concerns on Episode 3, but this is one case where I think the show is going to be dynamite on a binge re-watch.

Ladyhawke deserves a rewatch. Fantastic premise and two of the hottest people on the planet in their prime.

I did some calculations and in order to catch up to all of the shows I have on Netflix, Prime, Disney+, plus movies, plus sports, plus reading, plus video games, plus wandering onto YouTube TV and seeing Godfather on and watching it for the 1,130th time, plus actual work and family interaction plus masturbation, I

It would be hilarious if Taylor Swift said to the organizers: “Got a dollar? Give me the dollar. Now you can use that song in your video.”

Fine by me. That was the last great Tarantino movie. The rest have been various levels of good, decent, overrated and unwatchable.

Can I be over Tarantino? I kind of want to be over Tarantino.

I think it ends with Ravonna being the big bad for the six-episode run, but a post-credit scene has her reporting to someone - Kang. 

There’s a word for those fans - assholes

A mistake is when your spouse asks you to pick up 2 percent milk on the way home and you get skim. A mistake is when you say “Good morning” when it’s three in the afternoon.

This was a negligent crime. Do better.

I haven’t glanced at that movie since I read the book. The book is dark and funny. The movie is Chevy Chase masturbating on film

Magic was the first black head coach and he coached like 16 games in 1994. Mike Brown - two seasons, Bernie Bickerstaff, 5 games as a fill-in and Byron Scott, - three seasons.

Four black coaches with the first in 1994, 46 years after the team was founded.

The Miami Heat, which is another major free agent destination:

In no way am I going to defend Boston as a city and a sports base. They had the greatest dynasty ever known in the NBA and literally shat on the star’s bed and the Red Sox didn’t integrate until three years after Jackie Robinson retired, so fuck them.

But I looked some stuff up and Udoka is the 6th man of color to be

I felt a responsibility, and they paid me, so...

5 minutes of research revealed that — I think I’m right about this — the only team that has never had a black coach is the Oklahoma City Thunder. (As the Thunder, which goes back to 2008, when they moved from Seattle.

Yes, and I know he has inbred children with She-Hulk in one timeline, but I’m talking the movies, dude.

The last funny thing Scott Adams said before going off the deep end was pointing out that the holodeck would be society’s last invention before dying out.

Every straight man would be in the holodeck with Charlize Theron and her twin sister Charlotte and forget to impregnate real women.

For all the talk about Batman not going down, it is fairly well established that Banner doesnt.