
I won’t miss her.

On the other hand, the idea of being so stupid rich that I can order people not to talk to me is kind of appealing.

Queen Victoria died 38 years before Ian McKellem was born 

You know he’s half-Indian, right?

Were you able to finally orgasm after posting this?

Math... we meet again.

I’m reminded of the little snot mutant in X-Men 3 who shit-talks Xavier and Magneto shuts his country ass down.

Queen Victoria? How old is that Gandalf motherfucker?

I’m sure there is a checklist out there for her to follow. Or, she can just retire in peace.

Jesse Owens, Joe Louis and Jackie Robinson were later called Uncle Toms.

That’s Cliff Curtis, right? He’s Maori. His IMDB has a lot of Latino character names in it. He also played Jesus in “Risen,” which told the story of the resurrection from a rando Roman soldier point of view.

Mary Magdalene was played by an Argentenian actress and Joseph by a Spanish actor. The Roman soldier and his

I have. Now I don’t give a fuck even if you agree with me.

Fair. I gave a fuck long enough to explain it. Now, I don’t give a fuck.

She consented to everything that happened. It shouldn’t have happened. It’s not that difficult.

I think the white counterpart would be “No more racists.” For British white guys, it’s, “No more villains where I do a vaguely Eastern European accent”

Yeah, but they white-washed him with William Daniels.

What it boils down to is this. There are maybe 10 actors in Hollywood that have the choice to do whatever they want. Cruise, Pitt, Denzel, Downey (unless he flops a couple more times), Streep, MBJ, Julia Roberts still, maybe Damon, maybe Evans (although that won’t last long) and Daniel Day-Lewis (for Paul Thomas

To the both of you: Yes, she did not consent to being a public figure. But the comparison was made to this child bride and that is a faulty comparison.

Here’s $10 million an episode. Except, make it diverse. The talking car can be Wanda Sykes’ voice.

Thank God I was already too old to truly be the market for Family Matters/Full House and all the clones they inspired - I have vague memories of a Suzanne Sommers/Patrick Duffy thing.