
Thanks for the suggestion !

Heisenberg was working on a nuclear bomb for the Nazis during world war 2, he claimed that he dilly-dallyed intentionally without making progress.

It does ? I thought portuguese speakers were called lusophones not hispanophones

Is being serious/stiff even considered a flaw ? I mean if someone is dealing with dangerous ass dinosaurs wouldn't that be like the default behaviour of most people ? Am I totally misunderstanding what people are trying to say here ?

Are you insinuating that anyone, even a single person would prefer AoU over Fury Road ? I find that hard to believe.

This is exactly what I understood from that scene, maybe you have to be born in the 70s to see it as a 70s era spade ? dunno, if I understand it.

Can someone explain a bit simply why this clip is sexist ? I genuinely don't understand, maybe its because of a culture issue, my parents were in diapers in the early 70s.

I heard that there are these 2 books in that fantasy series.

Yeah, personally I think it could have worked if they had let Sansa so some of that manipulation magic that we a small example of in the latest TWOW chapter that GRRM released.

> they seem to have gone away from hopping all over the place like in
previous scenes to make everything be tied together in chronological
order into just focusing on one place before moving onto another one

Plot Twist: Both of them have X

You hit right on the nerve of the problem with Sansa's storyline. She is my favourite book character, and I don't necessarily mind the changes, but so far D&D are just dangling things in front of us as possibilities for her character and not letting her do much of anything. She isn't even trying to gain influence over

Or just use a smaller venue, where they don't need seat fillers.

You know, this literally made me roll on the floor laughing ! You sir/madam know how to banish trolls.

Just ignore the retard guys, he is getting off on pissing y'all off.

> responding to an actual asshole.

Is it surprising that filmmakers like a movie about making a film ? Its good but not surprising. I mean The Artist won just 2 years ago.

> I have a hard time believing: the guards seem to be leaving Nina alone

I know, right ? I was thinking it was mighty nice of them to supply make up in prison.

He would probably also want Elizabeth to defect with him, no ?