
> wanting a way out, but not really seeing one

> a lot of us, myself included, have dealt with creepy predators when we were teens.

Wait, Homeland had that ? Which season ?

Not to mention that the first guy to crack the Enigma code is not even mentioned anywhere except Math/Cryptography texts:

> Also, Califano asserts that LBJ and MLK were partners and completely
ignores the antagonistic relationship they had relating to the Vietnam

A Knight's Tale doesn't pretend to be a "historical" movie, its damn good !

Exactly ! The Big Bang Theory is what school bullies who beat up nerds think nerds are like. It saddens me to see it winning fucking Emmys. Its like giving a show full of racist jokes an award for being funny.

Yeah, as a student of computer science with a keen interest in Cryptography and its history, The Imitation Game has some very serious flaws. From totally not giving a shit about the contributions of Polish cryptographer Marian Rejeweski, to totally wring representation of cryptography it was very inaccurate. Plus

*could* being the operative word here. They didn't actually do it because some shit.

Sansa and Cersei chapters from AFFC are worth a re-read. Same with Theon and ADWD.

Her actual quote was pretty vague, its possible that she is the one traumatizing people.

I liked the Wire very much, but hated Dominic West in it.

But in this case, Louie himself is supposed to be hispanic

I don't think the question is about the acceptability of interracial couples but about why their kids look Scandinavian.

Bishe actually looks more attractive to me than Davis in her real life photos, but on the show ? Definitely not.

Yeah, if it hadn't been for the whole clone industry PCs wouldn't have standardized and the PC business might still have resembled the incompatible walled gardens of the smartphone business. But wasn't it more about business acumen and good-old engineering rather than the Steve Jobs-esque way in which they seem to

Yeah, I mean the company they are going to found is essentially Compaq or Dell. How exciting can that actually be ?

I have a feeling that this is the starting of Stan turning into a soviet spy.