
I’d be much happier with an 80% paycheck than a 0%.

Are the writers actually salty at GM? Or are they just appeal to their reader who love to hate on GM..

At best the silhouette will be similar.

Yeah, where’s this hate for the Explorer, Durango, etc? They’re all equally boring large SUVs that people buy because they don’t want to be caught dead in an Odyssey or Sienna.

Same here. All my friends just picked it up. Played a few missions last night and it was a blast.

Division 2 since its $3 and I want to shoot stuff with my buddies. 

Probably because the cockpit style design made her “feel cramped.” The interior does come off as a little walled off around the driver as everything is very driver oriented. So even if the numbers say its larger, it can be perceive as not so.

Don’t really care. I’ll admit that I thought regular maintenance would have been a given. Clearly a mistake in a forum full of sarcastic trolls. If comments like these bothered me, then I’d have a pretty sad life. I enjoy seeing peoples hot takes so might as well stir the pot every once and a while.

Its a chevy.

Because I like camaro’s and haven’t owned it long enough to put that many miles on it. My dad, however, has been towing stuff with his colorado for 10 years no issues, just regular maintenance and a flat tire.

Seems like half the car was replaced. My dad’s truck has 250,000 miles and he’s only replaced tires and brakes. I’ll stick to cars that don’t fall apart.

My problem with the folding phones is that the crease is just so damn noticeable. That would drive me crazy. I’m sure the crease just gets more and more noticeable the more you open and shut the phone. Americans check their phone as much as 80 times a day (just under 29k times a year), some even more. That means their

I like curved monitors for the ultrawide format. I think most ultrawides are curved.

Pretty sure Yoda trained Dooku not Papa Palpatine 

Neutral: lol what’s brand loyalty?

100% this. People have become shallow about what they expect out of a car. The list starts and stops at “does this make me look cool.” Performance, reliability, and quality be damned, it better have that fucking “T” on it.

Screens are a distraction. 

The research from Pew compared 1970 and 2016. It still supports my narrative.

Those are good points. I would still say the 10th percentile of earners were far better off 40-50 years ago then they are today. Lack of wage growth, education, and job retraining has decimated the lower and middle class.

I misspoke, my data is from 1970 not 1980, but it still furthers my point. The 10th percentile of earners made $9212 a year in 1970 according to the Pew Research Center. Adjusting for inflation, this is worth about $60000 now. The average entry level engineer position offer a $67000 salary according to Indeed.com. @Mar