
I can think of two in north america: Nissan Versa and Mitsubishi Mirage. Are there others I’m unaware of?

Depends on the hospital. I’ve moved states and went to a hospital and they had no records of me. 

I bet any engineer has felt this way at some point in their career, or will soon.

“This [insert product] is designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys.

The United Stated just has the wrong trains. Other countries use trains far more effectively than the United States. It is by far the most efficient method of mass transportation.

I would like the shoe if it looked like the inside. Maybe victimize the text. The outside looks like three different people started designing the shoe from opposite ends.

But then you’re missing out on rewards. Using a credit responsibly will earn you money.

All about the reward programs. Only using a debt card is just leaving money on the table. If you’re good with your finances and treat a credit card as if it was just an extension of your debit card, then you can reap the benefits of points cards without incurring any debt. I make at least $500 a year on points. May be

Probably a mix of Halo Reach, PoE, and WoT, but mostly Reach. 

$30? coupon code?

$30? coupon code?

As much as we hoot and holler on here about sedans this and brown cars that, market trend shows just the opposite. Crossovers out sell sedans 4 to 1. Data clearly shows regular people don’t want what jalops want so that’s what we get. Hell, even the best selling sedan (Camry) in America is now being out sold by its

RGB wheels, PCMR meets jalopy.

I’ve played every game from Yellow. This release has been a disappointment. Frankly, Sun and Moon was a disappointment. I had my hopes that they were going to fix things, but no. So I’m going to still voice my disappointment and play better JRPGs.

Counter-point: How can I enjoy a game that my favorite pokemon aren’t in? Especially, when they’ve been in the past 15 games. Additionally, GameFreak built up a facade that they put a ton of effort into “new” models to justify not adding pokemon into the game when in reality they didn’t.

I’ve been to a few bachelor parties in the past year and all of them involved some combination of laser tag, karting, and video games. All off them were fantastic weekends.

New is a bit of a stretch. Reheated at best.

Wait, people just leave their cars unlocked? They must have grown up in very trusting communities or are profoundly stupid. The best “reason” I’ve heard was that they were tired of people breaking their window to steal nothing so they left the doors unlocked with a note in the window.

Roav C2 by Anker. $150, has gps speed and local wifi to download video to your phone. Also has an internal battery that will run the camera in a low power state when the vehicle is parked or the assholes at the dealer unplug your cam.

I’m pretty sure I could nitpick those apart. Nothing is original, everything is derivative.