subtly was a goal
I’m a little surprised you didn’t say ‘afowl’.
Lufy would
Australia: We’ll find a way to kill you.
I think iPhone auto rotates video to be right side up.
Leave it to the Australians, even when the bugs, snakes and other animals aren’t trying to kill you they come up with a rally course that is...
Should’ve been...
“Horror Fighting Game, That People Thought Didn’t Exist, Finally Surfaces”
One word a couple of commas can make a world of difference.
Currently, players cannot be shot while swimming underwater,
Still the best one
J’onn J’onzz was not available for comment.
That’s fine with me - the game is king of the hill survival, not an FFA. Hiding is a legitimate tactic.
“August 16, 2017, this was the day the machines became self aware. Although it started innocent enough, just some clocks in some extremely reliable family cars, soon the “virus” spread. First, the appliances, then, our TVs... but it wasnt until our self driving car purposley started to target people, that we knew we…
Sure, lets all buy Apple and Google stock while we are there.
If only we could collectively roll back to January 1, 1998.
I see you shiver with antici
This is the 3rd world America we now live in... even the person filming already had a shattered windshield! And they drove right into what was very obviously about to be a huge crash. I would have been following from much, much further back. Morons everywhere.